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My previous account was banned for posting a rape joke. Original account creation 2013-06-04 18:03:52.

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Rule of the lab: Don't sit down
They really made a bearded dragon an official lizard cop.
Kill them all hal..
"Uh, little help please...?"
Thank you kind stranger, I will forever be in your debt.
Welcome to the Ricefields
What if I'm mixed?
Hippo Juggernaut
Some people just have all the answers
"Can you make this more romantic?"
not an improvise adapt overcome meme
Make up your mind
There appears to be a glitch in the matrix...
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should
Searched for "ate mile", wasn't disappointed.
senior tacos
Father Guido Sanducci
Will you use a normal urinal like a coward or will you take the journey of legends? The choice is yours.
Now they even added a fourth black powerpuff girl with giant hips
Some wise advice.....
Work van graphics done right...
Ron Perlman looks like the lovechild of Will Ferrell and Gary Busey
best juice
Ridiculous shape
It's okay laundry...
Not the bunny she had been wanting.
The true answer to the ethical dilemma
dollar store crayons
Traffic's so bad even the road signs are complaining
The ultimate dynasty has ended therefore we should:
Found this Gem in My Gallery
I wonder how they did it...
The back of Weird Al's 1994 tour shirts
I accidentally put my name instead of my dog's name on The emails I get are Hilarious!
Me: I wanna bleach my teeth! Dentist: how white? Me: this white:
Me in the winyter vs me in the summer
good death
I thought photos like this were shopped, but nope. Our airport has this funky setup.
Speak french to me
How Canadians build savings accounts
My wife went to China, knew I had to have this. I keep my mini screwdriver set in it.
These children are definitely slow
My buddy, Matt, got this for his birthday.
#1 bestseller since sunday
I made this chart to explain why I can't stand one of my wife's friends.
Now that’s just good advertising, gotta admit
the height of existential absurdist comedy
I believe I can Sly
"I don't mean to bother you but could I get a signature please?"
*** You guys with your Anime Girls
I feel this is appropriate today
The scariest
Not all heroes wear caps
This 7 inch "face massager" from a 1973 sears catalogue. 2 for 5.50! Item 24
When you have to admit you are wrong..
Good scotch
Most accurate Mean Tweet I've seen
The only Amazon review a prospective buyer needs to read
My college science teacher.
I think someone forgot their spacing.
Steven Seagal is actually becoming his South Park caricature
Good ol' Ron
ALEX IS A N*****
Rappers be like
Too soon? Nah
Red, white, and blue review
High maintenance in the flower world.
took me a while
Barbie vs He-Man
144p vs 1080p
Anon is a pedo
when a woman enters your line of sight
GRRM has another wedding to plan
the HDL refugeess have afected our culture
When you are committed to the game
Spongebob is better than all of the animey combined
He Said He Came Across It By Chance
I asked my wife what nickname she wanted for her upcoming 10km run
not sure
Was yawning; was suddenly interrupted..
behold pepe, for he is an angry god
Best friends are the best
Too late!
bop bop
5 Pounds of Riding Cat
This is what peak bearformance looks like.
Anon is on the case
"All star ear rape"
I wish I had the rights of a gun