wife asked for something to wear for her birthday so I made her a shirt. She didn't like it. So I'm going to wear it. Every. Day.

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Simple Times
Don't listen to your parents.
She knew!
I think that my wife is tired of me complaining about leaving hair in the shower..
Celebrities..... Think they can get away with anything
Actual footage of nasa discovering new planet
Today is too oft overlooked
I met a hooker who said she’d do anything for $20
Public displays of affection: A short guide
How is NK a real place
I like this guy!
Badass obituary.
Sign at my local gym
A Butt-kin
Anon has a revelation
Halloween costume - Fire))
What charm did Ron use on Hermione!!
This grouper wasn't invited to the shark cuddle puddle
Photographer Tutorial number one: choose right location
Proof that my neighbor is bored in retirement
Shhh only dreams now...
Best AMA I’ve seen so far
Someone at Google has a sense of humour.
Large Cat Spotted
The more you know, girls
The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
My friend's Apple Watch background
Good old Elon.
My parent's screensaver is just a bunch of pictures of Bill Cosby. They don't know why or how to change it.
Edge of the universe
That's just wrong...
I thought the future would be different..
Let's get the heck out of there Bob!
When the cat walks through while taking a panoramic pic
you have nothing to lose but your chains
Ruh roh....
Scary banana for scale
Following from my last post I am happy to announce that the guy by the bench was successful!
Legend has it...
White House Doppelganger
Pretty sure my fortune cookie is telling me to masturbate...
Straight outta plans
The power of prayer
Ink that make you think
Just in time for JLA.
snap back to reality
Japanese mascots getting stuck in things
How one of my friends announced the birth of his baby boy.
*** you mom
Just Wrestling
Math gets complicated!
When you trippin on le red pill at your asian friend's house
Waitress: Better not kill people this time.
favorite game of my childhood
Found under a bridge near my house, this might be my favorite graffiti of all time
Sometimes when you take a chance...
We all relate to this.
Women Love Bad-Boys
Watch out for Malaria
It's a good point
Raptor-proof doors
'Chair area'
Side Quest
Not giving any ***s
When you get the prime spot so the guy at the back has to propose by a bench
Laughed a lil
This oven mitt
My friend is a mailman. He just sent me this.
The Greatest Wizard of all time
Why school is so hard.
:thinking emoji:
Graffiti that combines with its environment
Face the truth
Would you like a race perhaps?
Wife complained about her targeted ads on Facebook showing my data and media list from Amazon. So, I spent the last hour clicking on Dildos.
Just couldn't resist the temptation..
WTF ! Pumpkin Carving Contest :P
Beginning earlier this summer my cat began bringing us maple leaf twigs. I have no insight as to why. Lately oak leaf twigs have also made an appearance.
Works with other substances too
The greatest monthly calendar of all time
Thought my foot was going to drop off then realised my mrs has been using my sock to apply false tan
This clearance sign at Burger King
my iq is over 300
Portal fluids
The look of...
Not so fast!!
Why bother...
Most accurate graphs I've ever seen
I think I found my Halloween costume
Google answers even the most difficult questions
Don't discriminate
Sneaky Winter
I'm going to catch them all.