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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Mama said there’d be days like this.
Fonts Matter
Me, seconds after accidentally calling my wife 'selfish' instead of 'selfless" during my vows.
It's easy to tell when Rick Astley had his heart broken.
There goes my parenting plan
Cosmo and Wanda thinking they slick.
I bet you're wondering how I got here. My name is coon, and this. Is my story.
god heavens look at the time
Terry Crews is a legend
S означает...
Brought him back too life
spray n pray noob cyka pidor
Science-backed, cold hard facts
"Just in case you forgot"
Internet Hierarchy Portrayed by Spongebob
Haha well that's one way to look at it
Found out my three year old daughter keeps a box with a knife, a gun, and some cash. Should I be worried?
Tell me I'm not the first one who saw a naked man at first sight...
Old picture proving why every dad should cut their children’s hair. If not to save money then to at least capture a photo like this.
They're not the best, but....
"It's been a Hollywood secret for decades"
Labor or...
The Maze
Local Charlotte bar refuses to move so apartment complex builds around it
Never a dull day.
Forgetful af
Remember to Nut
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals
What's betrayal
This sign on the back of the cubicle door in my gym’s toilets
I don't think anyone's arguing at this point.
I have a grandma
Rick Roll Physics Paper.
14 year old me made a painting, what the *** was I thinking
Winter is just around the corner...
Mural to Kevin Spacey is now awfully sinister looking next to the entrance of a nursery!
Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays..
My GF is too frugal throw away 1¢ stamps THAT AREN'T EVEN HERS!!!
Just sauce it
How many more?
You’re not my real lab!
Cruise Crews
Every time I leave the house. Every. Damn. Time.
Later that semester, harry hung himself.
I was peeing when i saw this on the shelf.
...........yeeeeey I quess?
Angry Onion Bird
This is why online shopping will always be more entertaining than IRL
My mom said this was one of my favorite things to do as a child.
1prayer = 1fast
My best friends name is Cody and this is completely relevant.
Some friends told me I looked like the kid from the polar express.
Experiencing British customer service after returning from Japan
How to wash your cat easily.
Huge PlayStation in the world.
Poor quicksilver..
Greatest musicians of our time
Its not disgusting :(
You've got to work on that godly body
I made my boyfriend a Spotify playlist with a subtle hidden message
The latest victim of Hollywood
Found this in my old photos
Don't be afraid to share your ideas...
We have received so much snow recently that my dog can just look in the window when he wants to come in...
My nose during a cold...
The one on the right is a sleep specialist...
what a save
I wanna know where they got a working chandelier. lol...
muh pigeons
When your out of order sign is out of order...
The title of every date I've ever been on...
Be cow-ful before you drive
To the *** with the mustard packets!
Tacos be like
Media got brains.....
Fresh Prince stays relevant
So hard
Keanu’s Hollywood Scandal
iPhone X: Say Hello to the Future
Looks interesting...
disappointing as fucc
It's nice they help hitmen find the right freezer
Caring Husband
Airport fail....
; ) ..
Woke up to my lizard looking at me like this
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