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I'm Josh, and I am a programmer. I'm retired from posting here, because this site isn't fun anymore. See ya'!

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I regret nothing
Mario vs Pacman
If You Were To Describe These In One Word, What Would It Be?
I feel that another song is coming our way....
He sure looks like one
At the bar when someone says i drank too muck
What do you mean... complicated?
I See What You Did There
Chuck Norris Does It Again
Seems Legit
Creeped me out
That would be great!
Found this on Facebook!
Epic Will Smith is epic
That's the wrong keyhole, Sora...
You gotta love science
How to pick a lock
Parenting level : dont give a f*ck
10 Points!
Faith in humanity restored
When your best friend and you listen to favorite song
Oh hi there
I'm Deutscher and I find this funny
Splash, slpash..
Theft is no joking matter...
Scumbag PC
Oh god why....
You can put some filthy things into it
In your face NASA
If it doesn't fits, it sits somewhere else.
Real Kung Fu Panda
4 more days....
O hay
Scumbag Word
Woop Woop
Solving one big mystery of my life
Hmmmm...dat ass
Some faith in humanity restored.
And that's how you divide by f*ck...
Holla at ya boy?
When I realized I hadn't left the house in over a week.
100% legit
Anti-smoking ad. Clever.
Make a run for it pedobear!
The final countdown
Thunder punch
I can do this too if I want, but I don't want
First date with hot girl
F*ck It
Ask him nicely
How to educate. Rest of the world, take notes
You can never bee too safe
Me, you, and everyone else will never be as cool as this man.
I just got an orgasm
Pretty damn true!
Master of disguise
All hail the king
My face when my boss told me I could leave early.
Lady Gaga and glasses
Getting in touch with girls: You are doing it wrong
Like A Boss
Really? I thought it was about the future.
I don't always get scared,but when i do
Painting like a pro
In case someone were hired to kill you...
Just Nokia being Nokia...
Star Wars Director's Cut.
Clever old man
Faces of Ron Swanson
Haters gonna...
How it feels when someone is leaning over your shoulder as you're using a computer.
Pick up line for women
Security Work - It Has It's Benefits
I'd buy this boat
Snow pentagonal dodecahedron
Puppy heavy head eating
Being An Ugly Girl...
The perfect Steadicam.
Epic knock knock joke
Daniel Radcliffe being awesome
When will the lies stop, Obama, WHEN?
Sharing is caring
The power of the jedi
Nicki Minaj coming to Brazil
Parenting done right
Oh hi! I'm here for the job inter...
The art of seduction...
This baby already knows his ways around women.
Shrooms kicked in
Draw Something is getting weird!
She's actually just tying her shoe.
I no tihnk u English well
I want my childhood back