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Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for all this to blow over
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This is why I don’t go in the ocean
Nature's Majesty
Never knew the struggles.
Funny story
There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.
Only the best education in Germany.
Just a woman getting her self drawn
Who are you callin' Craaazzzayyy!!!
ome wa mu sindru
Tis the friggin' season...
Why Cadillac Escalade exists
Cashier humor
To true.
I thought it’d be cute to get a photo of my cat with fairy lights....
Should be an official slogan
ipector gajet
sause: aec vetula 8
This cat got scared...
Science 101
nite evryoe, u al specil 2 mi
I found the road where they test the line drawer machine
A Very Metal Christmas
That moment you realize he was never acting
im scard nau
Need more phone space 9
I didn't mean it Google...
Open happiness
My mom made this sign for her yard sale
:o woh
An exam question at the Indian statistical institute
Sat next to this guy at the car wash today...
I made this for a charity t-shirt challenge I’m doing this month.
a duk 2 surps metel ger
Local restaurant speaks the truth
To the dominos person who made my pizza: you get me like no one else ever will.
Impressive Forum Troll
Jared the pro
Killing your childhood
What a dunk!
old people using the wrong crying emoji
These children won't be able to trust a geologist ever again
I found Kim Kardashian parking spot
Know why I pulled you over?
I swear, that meme just dont run out!
The great packaging on this locally made cookie
I wish Wikipedia would stop removing this
galandaf in isgarden scen
Absolutely nothing
Fox, every time.
Trust me, I'm a mechanic
Historical Fact
Badder ***!
kim jong ill was the first tho
Local bookstore has a great sense of humor
This guy's landlord is awesome.
Boi he gon du it
oy vey
Every Damn Time , it hurts
Be like star
When the erotic dice game doesn’t go quite as planned
Brutally honest Christmas card
who would have thunk
My cats eating together look as if they are joined at the tail.
When in Utah...
"Nothing is ever carved in stone"
This is why people need to keep their babies away from me
This Guy Walked Into A Waffle House and Made A Meal After No Employee Was Available
This doesn’t work with children
Taking an extra gummy vitamin in the morning
Man of many talents
Oh, thank ***!
ultra slav
Local boy is the latest to stand accused of unwanted sexual advances
What?, OK.
A reminder from Lemmy
This is Ben. He doesn't know what the Telecom Lobby is but he is a good boy who likes to carry logs.
Finally, a cause I can get behind
The true hero HL needs (also Windows2001)
Got my neighbors tripppin...
They should meet
It's probably good advice.
The key to a woman’s heart...
All you need is to die, everything else is our concern.
My Fiancé is a 3rd Grade teacher and has to explain these words to her kids everyday
Smurf killed in hit and run in central London today.
Dollar bills
How Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer died
I miss The Office
All Holidays Matter
My wife is taller than me and I think she is really ***ing with me now.