We have an ant problem. The husband is trying to make the ant traps more appealing.

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When she gives you mixed signals
My wife said when I pass she would go the extra mile to give me the burial I deserve...
Curse this sudden but inevitable mash up !
When you don't know the answer to a question but refuse to leave it blank
Meanwhile, in the comment section of some old post
Bill understood 2017 humor long before we did.
Must be a pun work environment!
Dima, we boat now
It's civil war time
I love Urban Dictionary
1970s vs now
Logical Spock is logical.
Can you pass me spanner hooman.
I hate them!
I don't think that's how you're supposed to lift it.
Someone needs to appreciate my brother’s craft as much as I do.
Self-Christmas shopping
Anon is a 6 (apparently)
Who did it better?
$1500 Swiss Army knife, reviews are the best
Unintended Technology Convergences.......
anon has gas
How the riots went
Somebody didn't know what they were agreeing to, when they said "Yes" to the naming rights of this stadium.
Anon has a dream (Memecember post btw)
results may very.
Top ten anime betrayals
Saw this in a building
I made a Mad Magazine text fold-in for a friend who was having issues with depression. It was one of the few things that cheered him up.
And they tell us Bay of Pigs was a failure
It's always time for alcohol...
My son, as the Flash, decided to photobomb his sister
When the name fits.
Now darkness is afraid of me
Swedish television channel decided to protect the identity of a seagull that was saved from the subway
Get the show on
I prefer chevy'th time
Got em
Time to pick a new life goal
K bye
I can’t be the only one
Priceless King of the Hill moment
It's the current year
I love it when Spongebob becomes self aware
Stan Lee making a cameo appearance in his own life
James is probably richer than all of his friends combined now
Sorry I Have A Date.
Slobodan don' goofed
We were given the best roasting sticks as a wedding gift.
Calorie counter encountered on Amazon
My friend and I thought it would be funny to hang candid pictures of our dads on the computer lab wall at my uni. It kind of took off. I give you, the Dad Wall.
My cat has the same reaction when I ask it this question.
I wish my debit card looked like a blowtorch.
But who gets the butt?
Someone placed googly eyes on this Destiny 2 display at Best Buy.
Doggo uses tail whip... It was super effective
We have come full circle
Modern-day Nativity Scene
My son is a realist
That's a creepy creature
It's only a matter of time...
2017. A summary.
Definitely two T-Rex's fighting over a table saw.
For these confusing times
Just ***ing Look....
5 stages of grief
Poor Lou
I did not peak at the gifts I didn’t I did Not!.....
Equal Opportunity
Holiday spirit fail.
The Modern Christmas Fairytale
How to adjust your genitals during a live interview
Sadly, this is very relatable
Dad mocks 16 year old son by copying his Instagram selfies.
Dog Philosopher
It was supposed to make me sad. Instead, for the last 26 years, it's made me smile every time I look at it.
The Lasso of Truth
Did you see the app that Google just bought? ?
This one is better taine_elson
My EMOtions have faded away, it's only pain now
He died for our sins.
Double agent training
When Europe goes far right, they go far right through Belgium
Joan Crawford's rules for throwing a party still hold up today
Staring Wars