My dad makes fudge from a 50 year old flow chart from his father who was a Chemist.

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Same idea, different design
Hate that feeling
My grandad was super proud of his “Christmas Star” decoration.
It looks like a judgmental shoelace
They will rise
Hugelol community at a science fair
Everything is possible!
Clearly a joint and not a sparkler.
let kiddos be kiddos
Drugs are Life, memes are Drugs
Saw this review on Amazon for a pair of Men's Heelys.
This will keep the animals safe for the meantime.
I was born nude but I’ll die a dude
Dont see a problem with it
My Families Annual White Elephant gift exchange. Everything you see in this picture must be displayed in our homes for the entire year. And yes—someone got a Christmas Tree.
Well played, Capital One... Always read Terms & Conditions
Vine Meat
Her father, Goro was my favorite mortal combat warrior
I'm on a...
I am skeptical about the top speed of this rover. Can I get a confirmation from someone who owns one that this thing will break the sound barrier..?
I don’t remember it going that way...
It is that time of the year again
Sweet Dreams
Lucky him
Breadward pls
Two feet of snow
merry christmas <3
Spotted at the game last night
You had no chance against 250 posts, especially not with weeb stuff
Girlfriend sent me this picture of her pool rules in Cambodia
Christmas Idea
Cats come in both liquid and solid forms
True meaning of love
old habits die hard
"Finally some peace and WHAT THE"
May as well prepare for 2018
This year I took 80s glamour photos for my Christmas cards
It shall be a template
Me with Freeshipping
It’s A Problem.
We have this at work, just in case.
When hotel staff has your back ...
defending m'sweetroll
Mr. Ratthew it is
What a time 2 b alive
its worth
fucck this meme format
I have a cactus
Brought my new puppy home today. I think he’s comfy.
Shes a keeper
Being Unique
Every time I work out
Its not Christmas until Hans Gruber falls off the top of the Christmas Tree
This small Italian town is throbbing with Christmas spirit!
I will do this for a fact
Thanks Meemaw
Early Christmas present
My co-workers dog does not like the annual Christmas photo
This boy is going places
Alien theme parks are magical.
Those that live in the south during this snowy season: Never Forget.
This is one way to teach your kids...
Just my dog's first snow
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3 years ago this badge fell out of the upper section of our new tree. Now every Christmas, we celebrate the memory of worker #52.
Poor Bike
Angry Coin
So Tarantino is taking on the next Star Trek movie...
The gender signs on the restroom doors at this taco restaurant.
After 8 years without seeing snow, this is first thing I saw when I walked outside last night
So much love
it's going to be ok
Welcome to the future
My father told me he dropped his coughdrop while taking my dog out and couldn’t find it anywhere
When it snows in Florida
"Fat Acceptance" in South Korea...
Lil Chicken
The perfect book doesnt exis-
This ornament seems off
I'm looking forward to 2018
Santa was a dick in this movie
"Why this place so empty?"
This. Is. Art.
This guy brought a coffee table onto the subway
Suspects of the LA fires and The southern winter storms
Food for the brain
Grandpa's Violin