My father told me he dropped his coughdrop while taking my dog out and couldn’t find it anywhere

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When it snows in Florida
"Fat Acceptance" in South Korea...
Lil Chicken
The perfect book doesnt exis-
This ornament seems off
I'm looking forward to 2018
Santa was a dick in this movie
"Why this place so empty?"
This. Is. Art.
This guy brought a coffee table onto the subway
Suspects of the LA fires and The southern winter storms
Food for the brain
Grandpa's Violin
Hol' up
My teacher friend was given this by a student. Merry Christmas indeed.
off the hook
Aww how thoughtful
I think i downloaded the wrong grinch movie
Each semester I put new images on my office door, here's the latest one.
My neighbors
Tear up and throwing away an old couch — and struck gold
Harder than Dark Souls NOT CLICKBAIT
I wish i was james
Excuse me good sir
Marriage is hard....
Found this Amazon condom review...
The irony of the bar at a PayPal business event.
Santa complimented me on my beard and suggested I try out his chair. Then this happened.
Master gave Dobby a sock
If you didn't get it, it's bad
The Cera-Berg Evolutions
You never know what Gary you'll be getting
Spent a solid 15 minutes looking for one of our labs tonight.
Meme template?
How to summon the north
"I knew I wasn't crazy"
Prepare to be judged, human.
Horrible freaks
I don't remember this one.
My friend's son, in his backyard garden, thought he was playing with removable "chalk spraypaint". He was not.
every time I meet a girl
Either way
My Mormon co-worker finds it funny when people ask if he has multiple wives . So for his Christmas card this year, he decided to commit to the bit to freak people out.
Always in HD.
They told me to decorate my office for Christmas
Watching Bitcoin
Emailed my grandparents a photo, found it framed a few months later.
How to blind your girlfriend.
Oh that’s good—honey biscuits?
The last time I forgot to feed my cats, I had 3 cats.
My friend’s cat saw snow for the first time today.
Someone has been stealing Pokémon cards at our Dollar Tree and the manager posted this in response:
Every rapper in 2018
My parents garage door magnets spelled “Mary Christmas” before I came home
Absolute prostate cancer
Yup. That's definitely the guy I was thinking of.
*Stores jewish gold*
This phone book of Ketchum, Idaho.
Took a picture of my cat before and after being fed
This is how you run one of the world's biggest buisnesses
Wtf Kent?
Interacting with ducks: Rule 1
Now THAT'S a selfie.
Mega rekt
Helped mum at a theatre where she's working, I was allowed to keep this beauty
Touhou Otters
Visiting Santa
This fox has seen some shit
My mom would have never signed that permission slip.
I just got my Cards Against Humanity day three gift. I had a good chuckle and thought you all might enjoy the thoughtful letter.
He thought she wanted to shake :(
The most American bumper sticker ever!
Describe your life with a webm
Hahahaha got you guys so bad
It snowed in Texas last night. Here’s what the traffic message boards told us.
Sounds like someone has a rusty ground harness
Its my coworker's last day so we made a pillow for the office to remember him by. He wasnt happy.
This picture is what comes up when you type "Sexual Predator" on Google.
When the media can’t even agree on saving a rabbit...
What happens when you show your uncle Photoshop. Still a classic
Classic case of mixed feelings
David Blaine after a trick
Pepe Le Pew fired from Warner Bros Amid Alleged Sexual Harassment Allegations
Here goes my account
Angry girlfriend
Let's get it over with already
My mother would be very disappointed
I work at a photography store in Norway. This was our Christmas card this year.