My dark-humored mom figured out that her blocks could spell other things besides just "Merry Christmas."

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Just another shitty book.
I think found Voldemort on the back of Professor Quirrell’s head...
Should we revive extinct dinosaurs?
Pokémon gtfo, I'm getting laid.
Went to a house party last night and....
The new best Disney princess
is it bad
Been putting in silly special requests when booking hotel room for a few years now. King and Prince, on Saint Simons Island, is the first hotel to actually fulfill my request. Priceless.
Set 'em up, and...
omg, so truly
Who says good cosplay needs boobs?
What An Ass..!!
haha nice
Well, I hope this hasn't been posted already :/
This is serious
He got to marry his waifu though
Now without bone rot!
How to get more free time.........
Just following directions?
Moon Pie got that savage streak
My kind of poem
Only a Jedi Master could spot that
I read it in David Attenborough’s voice
Minecraft Letsplay Episode 1
What could possibly go wrong??
The road department of Denver forced the wrestler Enzo Amore to change his signature. But this was how he wrote his initials E.A.
My friend's homemade Christmas sweater
My neighbor’s yard looks like the location where the battle for Christmas was fought...and lost.
The Sandwich Alignment Chart
Shhh. It’s hiding in plane sight.
Found at Eats of Asia in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This "Safety Pin" pendant was the cause of much laughter around Signet HQ last week.
I hit a feesh
id end it
Whenever Tolkien wrote himself into a corner.
100% Pocket Free
If you can read this, you're not a train.
When you're to lazy to decorate for both Christmas and Halloween
Level Two Protection.
Secret Santa really delivered this year!
I laugh out loud but cry deep inside
Well apparently...
Anon is a chad
Had to check to make sure Luna hadn’t gotten into the edibles. They were all there, but I’m still suspicious...
Out of context
can do...
My Daughter Hates Santa...
I would love to hear his opinion on the current administration.
Press R for respecc
Good thing my profiile picture is a Taco!
Our 6 year old made us another Christmas card. She was confused at our excitement for this one.
My cat looks like hes waiting for you to get his bad joke.
Stop buying axe in general.
Suicide Squad - Extended Cut
Just wanted a good intense game but ughhhh
Flawless desing 2
Spotted today...
When you got a formal dinner at 5 but army training at 6
This is how an Italian retaliates against scooter-asses
gottem gud
I let her paint my nails cause she digs it, but this day I couldn't stop farting to save my life.
Wasn't really planning on it
z u c c
You are a cool guy, dont come tomorrow
Rookie move Slagathor.
There's two kinds of cat...
I'm having second thoughts about filling my prescription...
Sign at my local liquor store
End goal for +$100K in debt
Sophisticated edge, the best kind of edge
Asking the important questions about bed frames.
.... ah, crap
Well Thank-You !!
Very inspiring! Do not ever forget it!
Minions of Darkness
Another reason why I'm not sure my in laws like me. My stocking is not only separate from theirs, it is on the other side of the furniture.
Killing time at the airport and all of the sudden...
So this happened last night...sorry Wendy’s
You play good boy and I play human
Finally! An honest yard sign
Muhahahahaha hip hop take over
All I want is your company
Damn router
Tell me the last thing you stuck your finger in.
Nobody calls them that. Not one person.
Some of the students from our school got locked in the court yard by accident and couldn’t get back in. This was their solution.