Saw something circulating around Facebook so I decided to make a realistic married version

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In honor of my little buddy who is currently sick at the vet
Those must be some damn good tamales.
Mora, MN wherever that is
That 70s Show had some great lines.
ancient hugelolers
My dog's first time playing in the snow. The pure joy on his face is amazing.
My life summed up...
This guy gets it
Found in Nebraska
This cat looks like it’s ready to lead the First Order in smashing the rebellion.
Deep Sleep
chronic depression
Dad joke level: expert
omae wa mou shindeiru
This seems like a decent idea actually
ad placement 10/10
The owner of this restaurant that had a car drive through the front doors sure is taking it well.
Song title didn’t fit on our cars display.
Congrats to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook for earning $98 million in bonuses!
The date was going so well... i don’t know why he never called?
good show
Anatomy of Songs
Me in grade school
Pepe has been faithfully riding the roll at my parents house for over 22 years.
Well i learnt something new. Do me a favor and teach the rest
Lady Gaga VS the Super Bowl
Does Not Compute
When you try to get the cat into the bathtub
2017 summed up
I Know the feels !
This would be a Question for ages...
Romeo and Juliet from doggy’s world!
Ray Romano in the Big Sick summing up why I try to avoid the internet
Love and war...
Best gaming mouse
Looks like I'm up for a crazy weekend
The never-ending sleep struggle
Yes you did
She think's I'm drowning every time I take a bath
Just Bill Murray Things...
the madman!
Ebin :DDDD
So I teach English abroad and this was my student's phonics book.
Celebrity look-a-like.
Oh boy, Christmas carols just ain't what they used to be.
Our town church ofter has clever headlines.
I miss these guys
I'll never see Jack White the same way again
Modifying Dad’s gift.
Caught the exact moment she spotted the Vet’s office
Its Xmas carol time at Jiangsu University in China!
Got my gf this regal cat portrait for Christmas. I think her cat approves.
From a “how to draw” book
Appreciate the honesty Janet
Literally, everytime.
Yo why the *** does my cat sleep like this?
I found him in the middle of Missouri!
Well that is one way to prevent theft
The entire NorthEast U.S. right now?
Cold day in Toronto, ON. Found this frozen starbucks cup on a sidewalk.
I'll have 1 alcohol please!
This bloke’s been here before..
Where BB-8 came from
Dear Santa, I want a little brother for Christmas
Local dog destroys capitalism
A Goodbye to those we lost on HL in 2017
My daughter drew a river and lake.
I'd pay for that
Spotted this couple while having lunch. She's talking but I guarantee he ain't listening.
I'm a real feminist
And for one second
Reasons I update software
Why does this always happen to me?
dad called me crazy
"Will smith gets tricked by his son"
hah, gay
When you get told you can only use one side of piece of paper to write formulas for the final...
Woops,I guess they all know now
Finally found the square root
Plumber in training
Replaced my little sisters graduation photo with one of the supreme leader 3 weeks ago. Dad still hasn’t noticed.
My girlfriend had a new app update
Tacos has already won
I love sequel memes
Metal gear fish
its bean great
If it's on the internet it must be true
damn son
Went on a beach vacation, Dad thought he was capturing a tender moment... Boyfriend just asked me to hold onto his boat while he puked. Naturally, I blew it up and put it on a blanket.