So today when the wife texts me: “The cat has a mouse cornered in our room” this was not the corner I expected.

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I’m a marine Biology student, and my cousins saw it fit to give me blobfish slippers for Christmas. I thought you all deserved to know about them.
This church near my job does not *** around
my binary gender is 10011011
He could be anywhere
Disney princesses, reimagined as cement mixers...
Logged into my security camera to see my corgi...
Hope everyone has a ...
Amazon delivery person; you da real MVP
My fiancé just plugged in her Wii for the first time in a while...
*** You, it's January!
Friend paid to get a nice family portrait done...
Daily Scramble
I go to a catholic school
Shhhhh go to sleep
I’m gonna kill that damn squirrel least my daughter is cute.
The kid's favourite dish
In Alabama?
Beware of dog!
why did he do it
Y'all too harsh
Ofc he didnt
Hope that too
Shout out to my man Henry
but where am i
Stolen out from under his opponents in the opening days of 2018
Target doesn’t want me to succeed.
No one can deny a source like Punxsutawney Phil
new party game
thats pretty brutal
The First Law of Thermodynamics
More appropriate branding.
Gym employees this week
the chosen one
How Star Wars began
that feel when
Can't argue with his logic.
Current Mood
I woke up to my cat acting normal. Nothing to see here.
My roommate took this selfie with my cat
How to remember where your stuff goes
Interview With Time Traveller
the peak of human ingenuity
Anon ascends
Khajiit have cooking, if you have coin
nobody wants a wii
pure rage
Some fresh OC for you my bois
Stranger Things season three trailer
Google's finest trivia questions
No swimming
Hello there
As a former soldier, this is pretty accurate.
Dodged a bullet there
Seems like I am safe !
haha same
Say cheeeese
Getting drunk off of maths
HR gave us our wristbands for the holiday office party at 7:45...
Where is mah Spaghet sauce
Placed in our work break room.
The little mermaid after some years
How I’m heading into 2018
Police Brutality in my Hometown
Cutting in line is rude.
Beats by Dre.
I probably shouldn't bother looking at the expiration date.
If this picture reaches front page, there will be no 2018
the perfect way to start 2018
oh swoley night
The safest way.
My only resolution is 4k
When you wake up first after the NYE party
He must be getting pretty sick of it by now..
He was sooo sure...
Hell no
Oops Someone is in trouble.
My brother decorated his fridge for the holidays.
The one true Zelda
As always
My fortune cookie has either seen or done some shit.
Cartoons paused at the right moment
Let us never forget: 2018 kicked off with Steve Harvey’s amazing cosplay of McGruff the Crime Dog
Samuel L Dogson
That’s that I guess