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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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fOrBiDdEn NeCtAr
traps are gay
Card I saw at the post office
Best homework answer ever.
My sister in law caught her cat stealing from her purse, and decided to follow her to see where she was going. This is what she found behind the stove, where she has been hiding her loot.
Stumbled upon this in the wild...
If dead people make people happy im gonna make people happy very soon
Even he supports it ;-;
Glad to know it enjoys it
Deleted episode
let the past die
Amazon users reviews keyboard!
Just picked up Ed Sheeran's new album
The daily shows take on the new lyft shuttle!
I cant even tell which one is the real one
This is our next target
There's a mysterious new button at my place of work...
You thought dissentary was bad...
Don’t worry South Carolina, help is on the way!
Join the Swole side
Only way marijuana kill you
My local F**king paper this morning.
In case you are really desperate for Vietnamese food.
Suicide is ok obv
Walking your dog in the Midwest last couple weeks.
I'm still laughing at this.
So, it snowed in Florida this morning...
I still don’t know why they don’t make another Bill and Ted’s adventure
An old comic I drew about J.R.R Tolkien. Today's his 126th birthday.
When you come back from a vacation
peace in our time
Maybe the best photo I’ve ever seen...
to be continued...
it beats using the cardboard tube
Such majestic creatures
Fight the power, Bill.
What’s the difference between Hitler and Logan? Hitler knew when to kill himself.
american standards
This is how I ended up killing everyone in the Brotherhood of steel
It's funny... because it's true
Spongebob has evolved over the years
we dem bois
More Tweets like this will keep me watching the news.
por padem
Mike doesn't *** around
what album is this?
Thats a good skill
It only takes 9 hours...
checking the virus in my email
It’s a bit too late for confession, Arthur.
Found at my local lingerie coffee stand
If it works im in
He did it
Friend puts fine dining menus in his son's lunch box
A shirt OP got for Christmas
Uncle Steve..
This may be the best police report ever written.
My brother got a tattoo of my Mom, but she ended up looking like that Rusty kid from The Mask
Cold in New England
Logan Paul rekt by YouTube captions
Jake from State Farm
good start
Bike still for sale?
Spreading positive ripples
me in an alternative timeline
The new season of Black Mirror
They can unlock each others iphones
Vine Invasion 2.0
Vine Invasion
I recently found this screenshot on my phone and it still pisses me off
The only man who can save us all
What the *** urban dictionary
Fair enough, actually...
Flat Earthers also be like..
So today when the wife texts me: “The cat has a mouse cornered in our room” this was not the corner I expected.
I’m a marine Biology student, and my cousins saw it fit to give me blobfish slippers for Christmas. I thought you all deserved to know about them.
This church near my job does not *** around
my binary gender is 10011011
He could be anywhere
Disney princesses, reimagined as cement mixers...
Logged into my security camera to see my corgi...
Hope everyone has a ...
Amazon delivery person; you da real MVP
My fiancé just plugged in her Wii for the first time in a while...
*** You, it's January!
Friend paid to get a nice family portrait done...