Spouse frequently changes my nickname settings in my phone without telling me. Today’s activity update was extra snarky.

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Jenny I got your number.
Professor just started updating the course site and added this photo
Hey Wait
Before Netflix and chill, there was...
Too lazy to shovel
My Dad had surgery today to become a woman. My Mum still has a good sense of humour about it all. Here's what she got her.
Just a Floridian tryin to get by
Rest assured, Intel’s CPU Security Flaws are in good hands…
Movies to show your kids...
Someone showed me this for the first time last. Made me think “reason is as reason does”
When your hobby matches your name...
Puggy blinders
Six feet pun-der...
Day one of my raw food diet starts today.
When you turn to ecological veganism for Earth-Chan
Mozilla's shout-out to Spaceballs
When local veterans get a billboard...
“You can copy my homework, just make it look different to mine...”
I went to my friends private mode bookmarks and this is what I see. I am not disappointed.
100 hit combo
You can be anything you want
Polite anarchy in Seattle.
>MFW 3rd wave feminism is on the rise
Extreme Home Makeover
more than 40 points in one week !!!
The only explanation.
Floppy disks are like jesus
Throwback to when the Zimbabwe military took over the state controlled media to announce that no coup is taking place.
A radical concept.. Bali 2017
If only he could read faster...
Good point
Giant Googley Eyes. Best Purchase Ever.
We are missing radaway, power armor and giant vaults.
Let Down Your Hair
Pulling a gay man thing
Nice suit
Life's like a jojo, it has ups and downs
Made in USA, Made in China
When Mom comes over to visit.
This is from atleast 2010, and I know it's very lame, but it's still my favorite meme.
Gas prices are fallinga
For his 65th birthday, my dad traveled to Ecuador to ride the "Swing at the End of the World." I need to get on his level.
Great, now I feel bad for eating a damn kiwi...
Maybe I should call Pizza Hut and get them fired...
Hahah cool
oh my
Now that Oregonians have to pump their own gas...
Biggest plot twist ever!
Logan Paul Finds Something In The Woods
Much better than the first book, would reccomend
The gf kept saying she wanted to draw something together. I suggested taking turns drawing individual lines. This was our dissaterpiece
Barnes and Noble understands sticker placement.
I’m no meteorologist but it’s kinda cold at the Jersey shore today
Ah, the Jehovah Witness final exam.
The goat of the gods.
I bet it is Paul’s, then.
When cartoons get too real
A reminder that The Olson twins are racist.
My dog was extremely tired, but just HAD to follow me into the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Cold weather problems.
This is a diet I can get behind
It is the third day since Oregonians have started pumping their own gas
The cat portal dysfunction
Alot of pride
3 Co-drivers
Canadian Yoga
Whomst'd've did this?
Shopping Bag
Our hero will always be there for us.
Quality Comparasion
Tried to take a picture of my cat sleeping but accidentally scared him
Arnie on drugs
Dammit Luke
Intense riots in Canada
4 days in
You think you're smart? I'm your dad.
career suicide is not a real suicide
ben swolo is officially a dead meme
nicely delivered...
Me preparing for 2018 right now:
Our god said some words. :praise:
Every episode of House M.D. ever
I said kiss me!!
Mother nature dropping Jenny's number
I mean that is my kind of waifu
Intel CEO sold $24m of his shares before a serious design flaw was made public. This is their proposed new sticker
This picture of Sam Neil I stumbled upon.