I know how many likes we can get for our boys in blue. But how many likes can we get for our boy Blue?

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“I need a god damn pizza”
Dont ask again
Judge Judy
Saw this in my grandmother’s building. Got a good laugh :P
Whenever Staying Alive comes on the radio
Go to the Samurai experience in Kyoto, they said. You'll learn to weild a sword like a badass, they said.
hell yeah
Interesting Label
Someone at H&M is bout to lose their job
my unrefined palate
My friends puppy’s new dog tag
These bathroom signs
Really, THE key sign.
This magnet on my granny’s fridge
Can I be Frank with you?
I now know what true love is. #blessed
Transparent dog
Get in loser
Woaaah Black Betty....
Walking through San Diego when I noticed this.
You got me. You got me good, sir.
This was my Goodwill find of the year for 2017
This Charmin bear is definitely flashing us, right?
oh snap
World's fastest mathematician.
Martin luther king Jr II?
Number 2 time chart.
Gimme it you lil shit
Found this at a BK where I had lunch
Oh damn
This Czech Beer Ad
I vant to play vith vooooooo
Gee, I hope this isn't a repost
So my cat stole my toaster strudel out of the toaster today and my mom took a picture before prying it out of his mouth
Guess who i just encountered on the streets
Dogmander, Dogmeleon, Dogizard
My dad bought my American girlfriend's conservative family a box of candy from our home country of Iran. They were a bit concerned about one particular ingredient.
I’m no historian, but let’s take a left.
They keep calling me..
Monopoly got it right back in 1998
My Dad makes my step mom take pictures of him doing weird things when we have record breaking low temperatures
A young Hershel Krustofsky sits with his father, Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky
I giggled more than I should have.
What gun doesn't kill?
I'm bulking!
I’m seriously freaking out here, people!
When someone asks you how you are planning for retirement.
Filming a corpse is fine
da whey
I totally didnt see him either
Brand New Car
"I'm not sure how I should feel about this."
Keanu... Keanu Never Changes
Youtube ***ed
Mr Steal your face
Blowjobs are my forte
Yes, Sure!
The mustard terrorist
Finally realized why it sounded familiar
I dare you to litter in this town
The Sun is, literally, a fair weather friend.
Another Stable Genius
Only in Cleveland! 0-16 Browns parade!
Lens flare in this photo looks like Eric Cartman
A Guide To Warning Lights
The Legend of Zelda BOTW explains bitcoin
“I swear I’ll do it, Steve. I swear to God, I’ll do it!”
I don't think translating that would help...
Dating food
I'm Mr Meeseeks
Someone’s about to get fired..
Some storm aye?
This sign knows me
That guy is in some serious trouble
I can't ever get over this painting I just don't understand who wpuld paint this?!
News feed that goes together.
Gym Bamboozle
Finally a car placard that makes sense!
Found this on my old phone, made my day.
When you walk into your bachelorette party and find out your sister made all your friends wear a mask of your fiancé's face! This is nightmare material, right here!
How technology can evolve so quickly, in such a short span of time
Isn't the wheel at the bottom sort of kind of cheating ?
but wait, there's more!!
Ready to go back to school now.
Anne Hathaway being a bro..
Sleeping Trucks
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