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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Rewatching The Office . Creed is such an underrated character.
I have no idea what i expected
Making a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
thank you terry
R E B E L | S C U M
Woman tries to distract man on Family Feud
Old proverb
he toucha
Why Tanklin did not go to the moon
Every freakin time
Hell yeah dude
2018 predictions
He needed a picture to go back and show the others
My daughter's super happy fun end to her Cretaceous Period assignment.
She Def can
What improvement?
A guide to understanding Australia
My mother, unfortunately a flat Earther, decided to buy a telescope to prove it to me, here is her first attempt at usuing it.. sigh..
Anon is heterosexual
Twit away.
Boom roasted
They’re learning
back when you could say jokes and people laughed instead of started riots
My car lets me choose between email or bacon.
Her face says it all
Found this old gem in my photos
Everybody wants to talk about the opioid crisis but no one's talking about this
My new camo jacket was shipped today
Nice side-income
Killer giraffes in Dublin Zoo
Family Circus Funnies
Try this before the snow melts
Send noods!
Drugs are bad mmmkay
already posted this on hdl, but what the hell, why not, most of you didn't see it there.
Looks like everybody's a wiener
Making OC
If there are any "Bill's" in Manchester today they'd better be careful...
Had to get my blood drawn today. This was on the wall at the lab.
Boss: This will be an easy job
VonBaron's first day of school
Uh...I guess I’m having a mojito then.
I'm 50 and immature
Cats in hats
I mean... He's not wrong
Good gril
This contractor will go into the cabinets he has built just to prove how sturdy they are
School is taking submissions on a name change.
Did I already post this?
When she make 100k a year and talk about leaving me
When you deserve that wank
Oh hell naw
Me me
A more accurate depiction of dating tall women
Be one with the coffee
Civil unrest breaking out in Canada
Tailors son
swolo got us
calling in sick
Always up for a challenge
Me every week.
checkmate liberals
Easter and April Fool's are on the same day this year.
Netflix as a dating service
When any form of physical activity is completely against your core beliefs.
Saw this on my morning commute
This guy in Moscow subway looks like Ron Weasley
Canadian guy vandalizes a bunch of signs. The people rejoiced.
he he (cries)
Hugelol right now
Bit of posting
What should I invest in on a financial market?
just stop giving them your money ( see, i can make normie content too)
Woosh unbannable
Oh hai Peter
You've been late
Living the single life
Here's one for a certain someone who's meeting their SO for the first time
Damn it!!
How to get help 101
What did u expect?
love hate relationships man
He does not know da wae
My fantasy
Good comment
Real security
This has been my week
If people make you sick