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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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an ad you can trust
You could say my dog misses the snow
Y'all gonna make me post a graph
Was walking my dog down this road. The house creeped me out, but the posibility of a peace treaty via drinking beer together intrigues me...
Isn’t history fascinating!
Playboy is for everyone
What a selfless guy
Save the turtles
She fell asleep during Jumanji. No one woke her up.
Pie-ramid chart
haha nice meme
gotta take every chance to show your wideness
What happens when you have free time as a 3D artist
One Sentence, 2 movies.
the earth is not flat
Real world applicable skills
Guess I won’t be able to use it
It’s already too late
So meta.
It's possible to feel lonely in a crowd
Mosquito, meet your doom
When reality kicks in
Sounds like a fun place to work
Dad knows best
My friend was interviewed on local news today resulting in the station tweeting my all time favorite typo.
Bag of Flour
Well it is too cold to play basketball...
Beautiful Radio
Modern day Woodchuck rhyme
Join the Prussian raid now!
This has been a good start of the year, Gott mit uns!
Sounds like Australia to me
Are you there Margaret? It's me, God
Production level 1000000
The most unexpected way of dying.
I know when I’m not welcome.
2 spaget
The worst place to put an advertisement in a newspaper?
Don’t be too excited
Vibrate: On
I call it Hahn Solo
I guess I will have to add “cactus” to the list of things I don’t want flying at my face during a car crash.
I’ve had this on my phone for at least 2 years...
Not the hero we deserved nor the hero we needed. Yet here he is.
Die Antwoord looking normal as hell
first meme
The most diverse actor in the world!
Me as a father.
These women are national treasures
I don’t think I want to see this demo
I’m Going To Leave This Rrriiiggghhhttt Here.....
Are we gonna put Otto into every meme format like we did with Ugandan Knuckles?
Me when I can't hear someone
Anyone else sit in a 2 hour meeting about nothing today?
Drunk AF
Who needs protein shakes when you have this sweet nectar?
“Oil on Canvas.”—Anonymous artist, circa 2017
Tea bagged by a bull
Buying a house in Canada
Karen choir
AAA Locked Out
When you order chinese and they slip an egg roll in there for free
Pretty sure my 6-year-old’s final end goal this year is to kill me
Updated Four Horsemen of Apocalypse
Wife and I worked at home today in separate rooms. My live-in mother had errands to run. This is how I enticed my wife with sex.
Title is too short.
he is not a hedgehog
CNN just aired this for a full minute
What’s your superpower? I am rich.
Guns & Sand Club
Getting caught
Never let your dreams be dreams.
I’m no theologian, but that seems suspicious.
Facebook principles in real life
New H&M collection is truly supreme
wait no
Keeping the cat downstairs
A joke 5 years and $40,000 in the making
I went to the dentist, and...
“Come meet my friend, she’s super funny”
Just some good ol' coat of arms
A amazon reviewer was trying to show how roomy this litter box is...
My last year on
When you refuse to be cheered up
- I will battle evil - Can't you just tle it like a normal person?
Thats me
Sorry for being late. pls no buli
we got a hell of a start boys