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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Broken Hart
Local school district with the takedown!
the future is now
Finland, the land of social anxiety
First day of College, I think I like this class.
ma dudes
My friend tried to take a picture of her ice cream
gawd dammit
Designated Doggo
Off to the hospital because I’ve
Take me there!
Love these animals
Classified footage
civil engineer who always wanted to be a network engineer
My dreams are coming ture guys!
That title tho..
Apparently I'm late for an important meeting with my cat
Just a simple spell
Found out who the local drug dealer is...
eat it
I knew something seemed off
Local donut place making light of our nation's current trend
oh my god..
Where my Golden Corral chocolate fountain lovers at?
Forget about tide pods , cotton candy is the new thing !
Can’t disagree with him.
Got a new t-shirt yesterday.
Just keep walking son. Don't make eye contact
After a 12 inch snowstorm someone sculpted a car in the snow.
Wait for it
No time for pods
Do u kno da wae to Holiwud?
Oh damn..
Loading 95%
The good news and the bad news
When you visit a pet adoption centre
Kids nowadays!
You want a scholarship
Our teacher was struggling to find where her pdf is every time. So we made this.
Colest vagene in bobs
Normal is a state of mind
San Fran
He's too cool to hang out with us on a regular basis tho
naruto has aged quite a bit
Just your average Tuesday in Minnesota
First time posting here and hope this doesn't break any rules. I don't understand all of them. I'm old :)
Simply Heartbreaking
Cotton Candy? Yes Please
LinkedIn started slipping in some new skills
Trends that made a comeback
Leg exercises with friends
The colors of the wind
Meanwhile in my country
Bird shits a self portrait
My campus library is hip with the kids
Oh Texas...
Send A Duck To Do A Mans Job
I think my son may be trying to tell me something. He slid this under my office door.
I couldn't help but laugh!
Why are we having people from $hithole countries come here?
Reasons my wife tries to get my attention
Mathematical limerick.
springfield stories
Take on my spaghet
Desperation lvl 100
Maths could be soooo confusing sometimes...
quick maths
open up this pit
May Keanu bless you with wisdom
Shaq and Yao Ming make Kevin Hart look photoshopped into a picture.
Snow in Texas!
So THAT'S what the extra screws were for....
The elite doesn't want you to taste the forbidden fruit!
Picked my parents up at the airport last night after a vacation in Hawaii. They bought a new Christmas ornament for their trip.
Biblical Memegedon
I win them all.
Super Mario
They hated homer, because he spoke the truth
So me.
Replace HDL with HL and Hitler with Traps and you're good to go
We've noticed that the map of our city looked like the Millenium Falcom so my friends decided to draw it on map using a bike app
Let there be light.
miracle cure
I’m visiting the USA for the first time: There was a glitch in the Matrix yesterday as I stood in line at the MET, NY.
My cactus looks like a rabbit dabbing
Sorry boss
Chewing gum and kicking ass
the end of racism