This ad for the New Dodge Demon is simply the letter from the NHRA telling them it’s too fast to be allowed.

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Antisocial me
shiet fam
RIP prince! Funniest cameo
That seems to be serious problem
Daisy Ridley and her sister!
Sheneman cartoon in the Star Ledger today
If you aren't already in a wheelchair, you will be after this
And this was before Christ
When the group plan gets cancelled
Fight for a Belt
Angus you fatass
At odds.
words to live by
Magic of morning
An intellectual
Into the void we go
Everything about this face swap is hilarious, creepy and the definition of parenting
black go back
Bit late, forgot the Grammys were last night
It was just a prank bruh
I was wondering why my two year old son started piling popcorn under the bed...
Could of saved so much time...
Wasn’t close enough to get a good picture of Jack Black, so quickly snapped the giant screen while watching The D. Was pleasantly surprised.
The truest thing John has ever said
Googled celebrity look alikes, was not dissapointed
Why is this stock photo even exist?
Every time my girlfriend and I go on vacation we buy one of these signs to put on my roommates door. He’s a 25 year old guy.
If I go missing please have the cops look at my cat because after she gave me this look today I don't now if I will survive the night
The Machine knows!!!
When the grass looks greener
Usual morning in a dorm
Don’t grab your coworkers.
He is legit pouting lip put and all
When someone’s getting roasted in class...
Such an emotional and captivating story
I've seen worst.
Now THAT is a manly motorcycle!
Dang Spiny Shells
My girlfriend received this from her sister on Snapchat.
When the teacher says “five more minutes” but you’re only halfway through the test.
shiet dude
My niece's doll has seen some shit.
Anongar figures out trick
Downudder started a shop
When you’re trying to reach the word count on your essay
Do wii?
I am convinced Apple puts catnip in their cables...
I love it xD.
Every iOS user has a folder like this
walk in
my face when
Lift off!
Would you find out?
How high is too high
I live with three other guys and this is what my girlfriend left on our dryer
Future is coming...
buildin up for OC week
Total destruction
Check out my new backpack with Mike Wazowski
yeah, man
this format
Near misses
His name is Trevor
Cool guy
I'm tired of being an adult
best comeback
Sunscreen does actually work. Proof!
The loudest thing of any 90s kids late night.
Maybe communism isn't that bad
Maxim Magazine is cold-blooded
When panoramic photos go wrong
no u
Seen in Arnold, CA
gawd dammit ryan
Good dog?
I never found the gym
Spoilers for February
Listen man
At that moment Gunther knew he didn’t want to play with fidget spinners anymore
Shameful dispray
Haha yes
He left us too soon.
Wireless Water
Looks great
Surely it will be
I like that one
The possibilities are endless.....
This is the truest shit.
Now it all makes sense....