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Rare picture of Elon Musks family vacation
pls someone help me
Female co-worker can't understand why we're laughing at how she cleaned the men's bathroom
The Hungry Games
The internet has warped my mind.
Seems a squirrel fell off the tree in my garden. Your guess?
A Koosh Ball Popped, So This Happened
Your mother & I don't know how to tell you this but...
Perhaps my favorite scene from Doctor Who
Found this mad lad's handiwork in the local hospital bathroom.
Take my eyes but not my stick family!
original joke do not steal
My local grocery store yesterday around 5:20 PM.
If you don't feel good...
"I can't believe it...I'm on a bookmark!"
Yea learn to park, ***
I'd smash
Good old Scottish humour. Glad they see the funny side!
that hurts
not just padmé
we prefer the word hitla
South Korea has two numbers for calling for help depending on the urgency
OC week is coming
Found this today in a local shop
Happy valentines
Kurt Cobain looks like a child attending an event with his mother and baby sister.
I T ' S T I M E T O K I C K O D D I E O F F T H E T A B L E!
How to be funny in a job interview
I Ain’t Afraid of No Goats!
Am I crazy or does this pic of Rumi look like Leo Dicaprio?!
the hell you say
Hank Scorpio predicted
To the giant robot holding the Bay Bridge in SF together. Don't be surprised of your strength. I'm proud of you, bud.
Sad part is this wasn’t in a restaurant...
And on top of that the only platypus out of Austria beats him up regularly :/
probably cause no gf
guess thats taken care of
gun show
Katie is a Savage!
See comments for title.
Comal County, Texas Sheriff: Coyotes are ok. Coyotes carrying "ACME" boxes? Not ok. Coyotes blowing stuff up? Not ok. Coyotes posting signs? Definitely not ok.
Best card to give my husband on our first Valentine's Day as a married couple!
Did I find my soul mate? Lol
way better
Too close... Harold... too close...
Make Venn diagrams great again
oh noe..
Tapman and Datwoman.
what a cool guy
Who invented the tablet..?
SMH Debra
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue....
da dum dum dum
just wait
My girlfriend wanted flowers delivered to her at work today... I delivered
Join and be hardcore
My wife’s card to me. This is what love looks like.
what do I look like to you?
They can see what you think
Cheeky Valentine's card to the wife
The Valentine's note I wrote for my students
Needless to say, this erotic dice game isn't going the way I thought it would
the girl of your dreams
Mods on Valentines day
The ol' switcharoo !
Scary Terry!
One of these products is banned in the US because of the risk to human lives
When you think you're on a Valentine's date but this is where she wants to eat.
Like this guys style
Korean Translator
Pretty much sums up my marriage.... The card I received from my wife
Definitely had zero surgery
"Bitcoin was a mistake" - the bitcoin dude
To all fellow single people out there.
Puppy fart . . . :)
This kid in his family portrait
This library knows how to motivate children.
Haircut allignement
This license plate I found today.
Rubbing it in for those who'll be rubbing one out.
Sign at Florida BBQ restaurant.
It’s true.
When on a budget
Church mice
Any plans?
Looking forward to it ^^
How will you be spending your Valentine's Day?
Wrong boy
A nice clean driveway, ohhh wait...
;) facism
Drawing the line
At least try to be nice to the cashier.
Spooky post ahead.. make sure to turn the volume up
Idk who did this but thank you