Go through the security at the airport they said, they will make sure people don’t have weapons they said.

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At least Youngstown, Ohio is self aware☺
Totally worth the ten extra item slots!
So I'm pre-grading my friend's science quiz... She isn't exactly wrong.
Is this the boat Peter built?
Pissed off the IT guy and he said he would give me a black eye
The last SUPer
too real
oh god....
This cat looks like it just got knocked out in an anime
My girlfriend hung out at my house while I had to work.
“Honk all you want, I’m deaf.”
They help
you required more stronghold memes sire?
Stop sign in our ghetto
The Swedish King supporting his country when its needed most of all.
Y'all need to step up your burger game
It's almost time
This 2002 image from The Onion aged incredibly well.
there have to be memes
I remember when PC software in the 90’s was this amazing
Are you childish?
This is recycled
Wait until you see it
Jim Carrey impersonating celebrities, 1992
RIP Ohio...
I Don't think that's how Roman Numerals work...
Cause: Tony plays his synthesizer 20 minutes every day.
That. Lol.
My yellow human twin
( v ) ( >) ( < ) ( v ) ( >) ( < )
So do eye!
Shit. What?
Mein Meteorologe
Tall German tourist using an ATM in south-east Asia
little cute dragon
Dammit technology.
My sister is always taking pictures of her kids, so I decided to make a comic with some...
Britain prepares to go head-to-head with Space X.
steamed loss
"How to be a gentleman"
Black Panther is racist confirmed
The 1980s, when a kid had to blow out his birthday candles over an ashtray and next to an open beer while someone held a lit cigarette 6 inches from their face.
Still lost? Eh?
At Ex's wedding trying to recover all the money spent on her.
I heard y'all like snipping tool pictures
This vet gets it
Lurking for 5 years and seeing this
People be so dumb.
some good content
We just moved to a new house, and a friend who was helping us unpack started screaming "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to unpack this! I'm not doing this box!" She found my paper towel holder...
The 1/3rd Reich
Jim’s Apple Barn always has the best signs. Wonder if this one got them in trouble.
We had quite a windy Valentine’s Day...
I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude disguised as another dude
This mascot that's supposed to encourage kids to save water.
Who drew this?
In a dentist office to teach kids how to brush teeth..more like never sleep again!
I o l
The definition of Crazy
Bar Humor
Vascemtomy gift basket
Finally, Olympic sport I can relate to!
This person is my hero
why would you do that
Movie night with the wife.
So my wife bought a decorative sign for our kitchen.
Basically a hidden lol.
I sent this to a random stranger to create this little joke
Perfect response to Ryan Reynolds' "gag"
Apparently I'm a dickhead. Thanks, genes.
Mama Freighter nursing her young
worth the wait
How To Get Denied Like a Boss
Best name for a locksmith EVER
Sweet! Google Chrome is blocking annoying ads…
when a potted plant is more beloved than you
So I live near a town named Hooker and another named Beaver. They play each other in HS sports.
"It's going to be a gloomy day today"
Rape prevention
Am I seeing this right?
oh no please