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Guess that's enough lurking for me. I'll be posting oc every now and then
Poster of the Day

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Sorry grandfather
This seems inappropriate
Really ***ing tired
Mr. Malone the third.
Jesus, would you look at the time
To the dude at EPCOT, I am so sorry about your penis.
Bunny caught carrying marijuana
My neighbors chicken wants to kill me
Seth predicted it in Superbad in 2007.
damn hippies
Innocence officially gone
Potters cloak.
War Panda
Two out of three isn't bad.
It will never end!
Man vs bird
Not sure if context could save this.
Now you know.
Mary Falin' Oklahoma
We all just lost.
Jim Carrey exposes the naked truth about marriage
Party Time
My uncle using his flashlight to brighten up my dads iPad screen
Heisenberg goes to comicon.
You will always have a place in my heart
Let’s partaaayyy!!
Bare hands.
Reasons why not to fight....
Do not let Max in
press it
Oh no, Amir is in trouble!
Naruto the prankster
Am I high or is this shadow evolving
No thanks... I’ll have a water.
Just useless things
Prince Bush
Bundle up guys
I've been wearing the same "DMV background blue" turtleneck for driver's license photos since 2011.
When someone tries to flirt with me
Should i take my child out of childcare?!
Just eat another piece baby
Then vs Now
Around the bush
Winnie the PEW
You can do it LoL
Not What I Was Expecting From Google After Searching For “Wet Beaver Photographs”
Anime not even once!
I shaved my ARMS for THIS!?
I had to attend a long and boring meeting today. This was my rebellion.
Lemme introduce you, my cat and its invisible race car
For her pleasure. Or his..?
My manager taught his dog how to play dead
It’s on sale
Aren’t music festivals wonderful?
How to catch a Loli
Bravery in cosplay
solid effort, Kroger
If men flirted like birds
Hermit crabs are decapod crustaceans of the superfamily Paguroidea.
Foie gras
Well, looks like the tables have turned.
When you send a good joke on Messenger
Someone added artist notes to shit graffiti in Brighton
Snoop Cat
Oh little Debbie
It never hurts to prepare
Spotted at the Oklahoma teacher strike
Today’s office motivational phrase set me up perfectly
Wholesome graffitti
Bear with me for a moment...
Bill gates was a dropout.
"Lil Woody"
Is this rickroll?
I’m pretty sure my cat just had an existential crisis.
Two bottles of soda pup please
you had one job
My house is fully protected!
Why have a tattoo if no one can see it?
Family photo at the Falls
The corporate climate is evolving
Careful, Icarus!
Form an orderly queue...
A letter from the boss.
Legend says if you turn this photo upside down you see a happy shark.
Not the time, Erik.
This dog came to every match of our basketball team. Today team presented to him this uniform and a ticket to the VIP-zone
The castle siege was defeated, but at great cost
when you wanna get get back on the shitposting again.
Video games taught me that there is a treasure hidden on my way home
I'm the one who knocks
Litter Bin
Seems the neighbours don't appreciate drones.
This sexually aggressive hand soap.
No idea officer
Vandalizing an iStore