This dog came to every match of our basketball team. Today team presented to him this uniform and a ticket to the VIP-zone

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The castle siege was defeated, but at great cost
when you wanna get get back on the shitposting again.
Video games taught me that there is a treasure hidden on my way home
I'm the one who knocks
Litter Bin
Seems the neighbours don't appreciate drones.
This sexually aggressive hand soap.
No idea officer
Vandalizing an iStore
posted cus cat
Watch out Ohio.
Jacks and coke
My first comic strip ever.
Taken at the Right Moment
Saw this on my Easter commute. What a weird bunny.
This dog realized she can stand in the pool
truly hard
Tf Is this.
i thought the phone knew i was in toilet
Omsk, Siberia, Russia
snitches get stitches
The long arm of the law
Mein Hero
Every nice guy be like...
I'm not satisfy
It’s that time of year again
Probably the best!
Collectively the highest photo ever taken.
My Xbox trying to suggest gamertags...
How happy are you?
I found a ridiculously large chair at work today
Es ist freie Immobilien
Someone give him a trophy not medal. ***ing genius
When you’re starving and your husband shows up with Taco Bell.
Elon Musk has no time for your false shit.
Found this on my train during my commute home this evening
Bathroom at CVS
Is there a... human version for travelling?
Time to refill the register at CVS
thats what you get
Guys im sad, more than usual
Sleep before anything
"James? I haven't heard that name in years."
Saw this today and thought it might fit here.
Oh Kermit, what have you done?
Never change Ryan Reynolds. Never change.
That much production in 5 minutes?
Can't tell if the slicer at Little Ceasar's is experimenting with some post modern styles, trying to summon a pizza demon, or just celebrating 4/20 a bit early.
Shakespeare was so ahead of his time, it's mind boggling.
Why did he get divorced.
We all would!
Say, man, you got a joint?
Alien VS Predator 3
What a ham
Anything you want to, do it...
Settle down, Dave.
My pool guy sent my weekly report with the side note that he fell into the pool! I wish i had it on video.
Need that sleep though
Why they do her like that....
No tariffs, s'il vous plait
My favorite sign from the teacher walkout in Oklahoma. Guthrie was the original state capital of Oklahoma.
My kids bored in line at Disneyland.
Along Came a Hairclip
Don't want to be offensive now
A graphic that's becomes 20x funnier if you call it a Venn Diagram
Ah not again
Seems to work
And that's being generous!
Loving family man
Ain't no party like a meerkat party!
Cats will judge a book by the cover.
This captcha gave me more than I bargained for
Where's Waldo? The final search.
Zach Braff shared this faceswap of himself and Dax Shepard on Twitter
me trying to impress..
Where were the po-po when this was posted?
Is it wrong that I'm suddenly in the mood for BBQ?
Ready Player Long Legs
oh no
New CVS personal record - 57.5” for a $4.18 transaction
Every year on good Friday this man comes into our Bar dressed up as a Roman soldier
That's about right...
Saw this gem again
Communism doesn't wor...
Only memes can save me from my depression
Roger that, Gold Five.
Thanks tesco