Large sign facing main road homeowner installed after recieving complaints about their dogs.

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True Comparison
My friend was the MC for his sisters wedding. He forgot he put the microphone in his pocket.
“Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit”
Keanu the Redeemer
I like tacos
Wtf Greg
It's that time of year...
When you've only been doing the lectures online and your professor pulls a fast one on the midterm.
Toy Story 4
Got them Growd ones
My wife and I were out walking and we found this save point. We decided to turn around since we weren’t ready for a boss battle.
Spring has sprung in Minneapolis, MN
This warning label from my new shirt
Sorry for the late edition, the trial is already under session
Pretty much every episode of house hunters
My local diner’s tea dispensers always make me smile.
I love cow...
It's where the cops hang out, too...
Nobody likes my neighbor. The neighbors snowplowed AROUND him in order to not plow him out. It made my day!
In the men’s restroom at the golf course
Its complicated
When your buddy who works at Amazon comes over.
I'm gonna leave this here...
Show me rich donkey
I’ve been laughing too long at this
They said having kids would be great...
I left my boot by my truck door and startled myself.
Mom look i made it! Im a mustache model!!!!
Harry Potter and the Chamber of War
Gotta love nature.
"Just Do It..."
An organic connection.
My jane at 7 weeks old and now 3 years old..
She’s spoken to all the managers...
What a warm welcome to a new neighborhood.
His attention was very much in the book
It's never the same without the original cast.
A true million dollar idea!
It was a very long inning.
The Prosecution rests your Honor
Typical cat
Interesting logic
Follow the stars
Yeah Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
poor doggo
Driving 101
This fabulous specimen.
Good Forecasting
Now it all makes sense.
Take a walk down memory lane...
Hoe meter is going berserk
Not something you see every day
Winter won't go away, but time goes on
I’m not sure I want that sausage.
April 17th and the snow hasn't stopped. This guy is decided to turn his lights back on.
how could this happen in a empty parking lot?
What will be the next awesome IMPROVEMENT?
World In Conflict is a really underrated old game
I'd have thought that would be obvious
Mobile in Toilet
I flew back for this shit?
u cry, u win
Better than heroin
"I'll take a glass of water, and DRINK it!"
My 9yr old left a surprise for my wife. Scaring the shit out of her when she checked the rear view. Kids....
Drawing a rat is easy
Yuri Gagarin, first cosmonaut
End me.
Oh kids...
Meanwhile, back at the small French village...
Cat in safe hands.
And thus began the greatest adventure ever told
If I were a psychiatrist, I'd give these away in order to drum up business.
Employee bathroom at Amazon
It’s horrifying
Damn it Eel!!
me at my psychiatrists appointment lying about everything
Coincidence!? I think not
The world is about to change, guys.
When you only have bobs
It would be a real ***ing shame!!
3 years at art school, perfection.
My 2-yr old figured out how to go cross-eyed and now does it in Every. Damn. Picture.
Well, he tried...
I think my 8 Ball is broken.
Can I get a sample?
San Jose Sharks stepping up their towel game.
Coca-Cola's marketing team did the math for us!
And if you squint real hard, it resembles loss
Harry Potter and the Chamber of War
Yesterday was my birthday so i threw myself a party
I can’t decide which one is my favorite.
Tub Sutra: The art of co-bathing
Need that pocket change for the grand kids