I told her she wasn't bringing me enough limes, think she knocked it out of the park

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Found this gem at school today
Wha...what are they going to do to Thomas?
Im no good at push ups
The friendzone
I've never met my great aunt, but this picture tells me everything I need to know
How to weed out a fake
I applaud this lady who literally doesn't give an F in Dallas!
I get married on Saturday and this was my dinner fortune cookie tonight.
Look how happy he is.
Sometimes I don’t even wanna check
why indeed
No Kevin
We’ve all been there
KFC chicken as space shuttle launch smoke.
I turned Danny Devito into a South Park character
Just as I suspected at Starbucks.
We shrunk a co-worker's desk while he was on vacation.
"See class, this is where they still believe in vaccinations."
The best part of going to the dentist
So I had a fortune cookie today
See who.......
Most British headline I have ever seen
I found Mark Zuckerberg in some art from 1544
Ancient India's 500TB pendrive
as long as she give me anal it all g
You know I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
war is over
Graphs make every decision easier
But this...does put a smile on my face
Starbucks to close 8,000 stores for racial-bias education on May 29
Charmin - the pun lords
I wish my insulting skills could be as clever as this
Local burger joint employees have titles like Vikings would
Advantages of breast milk
Quit staring at me, bro.
When my cat sees food in front of him
the material conditions
What's on Tv now :))))
But the second mouse...
The reason to use bing
My cat and I enjoy driving around town and disapproving of everyone we see.
He’s in Walmart
Homie Wan Kenobi
If I cant unsee it then Nobody can!
Lawn and Order
A dad joke on news
Nordstroms made something for the waiting husbands/boyfriends in the Women’s shoe section
Suddenly i appreciate my job much more.
Cat shows you the right way to use chair holes
Look, I got the ball in my mouf!!!
Mine! All mine....
E seems right
An actual concern
That is an advantage
There was a competition to start with?
When it's 3am and you sneak into the kitchen
Dragonball Super looks great
Not sure if this is directed at me or Volkswagen.
Large sign facing main road homeowner installed after recieving complaints about their dogs.
True Comparison
My friend was the MC for his sisters wedding. He forgot he put the microphone in his pocket.
“Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit”
Keanu the Redeemer
I like tacos
Wtf Greg
It's that time of year...
When you've only been doing the lectures online and your professor pulls a fast one on the midterm.
Toy Story 4
Got them Growd ones
My wife and I were out walking and we found this save point. We decided to turn around since we weren’t ready for a boss battle.
Spring has sprung in Minneapolis, MN
This warning label from my new shirt
Sorry for the late edition, the trial is already under session
Pretty much every episode of house hunters
My local diner’s tea dispensers always make me smile.
I love cow...
It's where the cops hang out, too...
Nobody likes my neighbor. The neighbors snowplowed AROUND him in order to not plow him out. It made my day!
In the men’s restroom at the golf course
Its complicated
When your buddy who works at Amazon comes over.
I'm gonna leave this here...
Show me rich donkey
I’ve been laughing too long at this
They said having kids would be great...
I left my boot by my truck door and startled myself.
Mom look i made it! Im a mustache model!!!!
Harry Potter and the Chamber of War