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President of Hugelol apparently.
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Ok, who ate all the Lucky Charms?
Just got a lock with a combo I will NEVER FORGET
My 9 hour work day
Wonder what Daisy is doing
"I love to sing-a About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a"
I just want to park.
I have successfully infiltrated the enemy
Tommy Chong on 4/22
Bravo, I found him.
Hurr Durr I'm A Babe
Do you even fetch, bro?
The Ultimate Defense
Traveling with 3 years old son, he thinks that thing is trying to eat the plane...
I saw your checks to your ex-wife. These are the check my wife has to write :)
Sign of the night at our season ender alumni game
Reasons I don't talk much...
I risk it all
Spotted on my way home from work
Definitely Report That.
Maybe I should have been more specific.
when you‘re drunk at prom
The Butt Meaning
Police in Prince Edward Island had a sense of humour about 420
The Field Museum in Chicago used the most fabulous unit of measure I’ve ever seen to describe their new dinosaur
Me at 1am
The world's most useless clock
Hey mom, they have your movie!
Submitted the wrong essay
A Chinese food place had this posted on the front window
He knew how to have fun
Leave the plants alone :)
They be like
Classical purple nurple
It’s a vicious cycle.
I'm not sure if I own a dog or a majestic chupacabra with a weave.
A nice place, except for the Saturday earthquakes.
This Steve Buscemi cat
Sir Cancerlot
Every. Night.
Cable company is a dick!
Don't Loose Your Pen Calculation Proof
"That's XCOM baby!"
WTF, I am so scared right now
So smug
It’s a hard life to lead when burdened with math
Who’s it gonna be bois
For those who have to change it, may the force be with you
Speech 100
Stay petty, my friends.
This made me laugh so hard...
Fan art
Paying Attention
I'm So Ready
South Park may have posted the best 4/20 pic from yesterday
What one is better
Finally living my best life
A sign at a coffee shop in Franschhoek
Trolling in the deep
Boy, are you big enough?
Humorous Antisocial Tattoo
When you transmutate your son into a dog, but forget that he is retarded
How To Yell
My state has a town that makes 50% of it's revenue from a speed trap. Google made the mistake of visiting it.
Totally baked.
Sign in front of my local tattoo shop
relax, bro
It Looks like there's an axe murderer on the loose...
pony culture is metal as F*ck
Forced into the real world
So my little brother drew this...
Winnie the Pooh - “The Crystal Meth Years“
All praise Lord Keanu
you cant
read this with an eastern european accent
Pretty Kitty
What you would do?
Smash it
This photo of Tom Green and Andy Dick dressed up as each other is really freaking me out.
Well I guess so
Well, I guess they got their discount
Yahoo doesn’t even use Yahoo as a search engine.
Just leave it for the dog
Eminem never won Rock, Paper, Scissor. It was always a draw.
This should be on the front page of Tumblr
I'm married with every chance I get
Me: .2