At $75 a person, the hors d'oeuvres at my mother's retirement party were the pinnacle of class.

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Left in the photo-booth at skyzone in Lancaster, PA.
When the photo angle is just reich.
Found in a dollar store
Any hairdressers in the area?
Honest Benadryl Ad
For England, James?!
I photoshopped my gecko on the moon. thought it was pretty cute and funny
I'm On My Way!
Been in that rabbit costume a couple times
Let's ban stuff in a parade about being open-minded
"You can't just sit there playing that video game the rest of your life!" Challenge accepted
My girlfriend drunkenly bought our dog a collar with a matching friendship bracelet for herself
It's stupid, I spent way too much time on it. It's probably not funny. But I like to sing "day spa cheeto" in place of "Despacito" so I drew this up based on my that.
When you run out of reasons to drink.
I giggled a bit
My wife spent 2 weeks in Peru teaching women entrepreneur workshops and surfing. Me and the kids made signs for her return.
It definitely looks like a toaster
When this post will not get that many upvotes because there were already too many of them
Beyoncé should’ve taught her I want to see that.
Pleasure room
Possibly the best product ever made
Just what I needed to see in my life
V-Sauce here
One more
Might be a hitman
Everyone's immediate thought as soon as they heard Elon Musk was starting a candy company
My boss HATES scotch tape and loves wine. This was my retirement gift for him
That time the wizard of oz described the entire internet
My boyfriend saw this while driving on the interstate in Louisville, KY.
Why not?! Lol
Anon machine broke
This guys business card
Happiness is everywhere. You Just need an eye to see it!
What color is your cup?
Delivering pizzas
Its allready 2 much of this meme, but here u go
Renly’s about to see the violence inherent in the system!
I'm stumped
Bones is from Ethiopia
feels bad
All warning signs are there for a reason.
She tried all kinds of dating apps in hopes to find a boyfriend, but no luck. The other day, a friend took a pic of her and tagged her. Suddenly hundreds of friend requests.
And the perfect mic placement award goes to...
I cannot deny this!
Been looking all over for this..
This Japanese album cover looks like they're about to *** this old lady up.
Stock photographers never dissapoint me
I like my individual to be well rounded
Modern Literature
I think his name is morio.
You can just see the horror progress on this cats face.
At least she recognised her mistake and is owning it.
All the rights, none of the responsibilities...
That turned dark...
Goddamnit Linda
Never do it without your condor
ho yeah
How To: Use Someone's Logic Against Them!
rip James
Ducks are dangerous
you come and go
Bye !
Wood u wood?
Some signs are hard to interpret, not this one, though. The meaning is clear. Cyclists are to blame for the fall of Christianity.
She totally busted me trying to take a candid at a Renaissance Faire
And we peaked at fax machines, no?
Its the end
Keeping up with the Kardashians
Simple Pizza Tutorial
learn to program
Every Cinco De Mayo
People enjoying Jaws
Painting the captain
Doctors be like...
He’s in the big leagues now
Left my boyfriend unattended with my clip in extensions for 10 minutes...
I've must've missed her, too busy looking at memes.
Why all the questions?
Old job dang truth
Not a cop
When You Have No Kids
Elon Musk announces he’s starting a candy company, then this happened.
If anyone gonna save this man's life it's the girl on the right.
Shit’s going down
The level of disrespect
My wife insists she never feeds the dogs human food while I'm over-the-road, but these faces say otherwise
Fooled me once...
This is happening.
Not today but one day.
Super Smashed Mario
No its the truth.
Underdog was my favorite cartoon as a kid. I’ve always thought that Rudy resembles Simon Bar Sinister.
The Dollar General bathroom key