My friend CA reverse catfishes these POS overseas scammers and it’s hilarious. She’s my spirit animal.

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I really hope another network picks this show up.
“Can you not?”
This, this is true...
is wot bwings us togeder tooday
My moms dog is deaf, can’t wait for her to open it
What I show people when they ask what Texas life is like.
He will always be Jim Halpert.
How rare is this?
What are you anxious about?
Clear and simple
Dumbledore is smoother than his silk robes
Good job Kirby!
What would you do for a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup?
Don’t worry Leonardo, you’re safe
Funeral for a battery
It's not easy being a parent
Tattoo removal
1976 Sony Trinitron becomes a smart TV.
grossly incandescent
Dumbledore speaking the truth
The difference between 2005 and 2018
Steve Irwin's in heaven.
Probably not the best tattoo idea ever...
Every time I shower
The Great Old Pokemon Master
Sorry, Clint
Now that I graduated college
When you can't understand a meme
Definitely OC
Transporter malfunction.
number 9
The Darkest Timeline
Thought I looked cute in this selfie, I might delete later though
I did this in class yesterday, are these still popular?
Don't worry, it will be fine
It’s finger lickin’ good
The terms and conditions for the “Not-a-Flamethrower
It's just that stupid...
Start growing
Unlimited bread sticks and reheated soup
Yes it is
If everyone is special, no one is.
A dish best served warm
Person on toilet. Of course.
Has Capitalism gone too far???
Not the haircut we deserved but the haircut we needed
Oh great, boneless!!!
Sing along
You just gotta have faith!
Dem brits
I have seen many creative ways to indicate the Mens and Womens bathrooms but this one left me speechless...
Treasure those days, then won't return
Hi oh.........
Well that makes sense...........
Tom picks the best onions!
Me: what you in for? Him: stealing candy bars
Fony Playstation
When someone treats you to watch it..
Best. Playground. Ever.
What my mother wrote to excuse my sister’s tardiness.
The naked truth about sex partners in 2018
These 5 Gum dares are getting pretty intense...
Another young actor’s life destroyed by drugs and alcohol.
To be fair, it's what most of us use our mobile phones for.
The ring.
Don't feel so dumb.
What's your favorite line from Black Panther?
I thought this was a high quality photo of a chicken strip. Turns out to be a cloud of smoke from a volcano in Hawaii.
How to react to dangerous animals
Our dog was groomed today and when I told my husband “He looks like one of the Beatles” he made this image for me.
Great now I have to fetch a ***ing flute
Police dog after sniffing drugs all day
No match for me
I love this meme format, please don't let it die
This had to be done
[...] -Anon, 2006
It really do be like that sometimes
Sorry that was a strange thing to ask
I'm sorry I thought this was america!
No, you don't get to choose
Would buy. 10/10
A new way to describe pain at my doctors
The passion of the adulterer
I dont know about you, but I only drink milk from living cows.
Speed won’t go any lower!
The Wonders of Yeast
Check out my hot new romper.
I feel like this has a little something for everyone