Our City is proud to have the World's largest TeePee. Someone vandalised the sign last night...

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ohh no
Smoothness level on this one is high
Duck Licking Sips
When you're smoking for two
Bob Ross is Savage
America Circulation
2018 better
He is always watching. ALWAYS!
Helping Out
The evolution of fashion
Girls and boys given bandanas with no instructions.
Have we met each other?
Im a human
The rabbit is a metaphor for my goals in life
r e l a t a b l e
R.I.P scooter kid
Can't Stump the Trump
Humble contribution to Pun Tuesday
An old concept, but still Gucci. I think...
This endcap at the store today
You are my drug
5steps to recovery after a traumatic experience.
Books are dope
They discovered her fetish.
Yeah, lift my ban you ***er...
The Brave Knight
oh snap
TF2 > Overwatch
A Mustache is Just Eyebrows for the Lips.
Ahmad Rashad is the Michael Jordan of picking shitty groomsman.
Dead diet
Numer of years it took each product to reach 50 million users
An unsinkable business opportunity
Sorry, I'm british
This bed frame from IKEA
My favourite funny scene from The Naked Gun!!!
Please hurry
Water or....
Kitty cat flower power
One of the best pleasures in life....
Hitler, Bin Laden and Toby...
Don't be ricist!
Internet life
Quick, we must go
This Houston Rockets fan
Prince "red thing" Harry
American psychos...
Spotted in the lot after my kid’s ball game
has this one been posted yet?
The incorrect spelling of Agents of SHIELD is trending twitter higher than the correct spelling.
Well I know what I’m doing this weekend
Let’s get him back before Saturday, because those are for the boys.
A fair warning.
Jesus’s brother, Bryan Christ
Be careful of it!
Terry Crews on move from FOX to NBC
When you lie on the resume and still get the job...
Job interviewers hate him
Old jokes die hard
Someone saved my ass today
total control of Flavortown is imminent
For her tenth birthday, my daughter wanted lasagna. Sure thing kid
This sign I saw outside of a church
cursed image
They really just argued through WiFi names
A lot of people have had their hope crushed by this sticker at LAX
Do I win for longest amazon order to ship award.
Auf Wiedersehen Kameraden.
Ruff day, pal?
Dad jokes are even cornier on Snapchat
Today my mate was climbing on top of cupboards when a teacher walked in, he then decides to pick up a textbook and start reading it as if that will justify his actions xD
Spent the week in the Dominican Republic. You've heard of "Plan B"? Well in the Dominican, they have...
Surprise test
Italian condoms are weird
Missed opportunity
Take a seat
For all you '90's kids out there, ever wonder how the talking dinosaurs from the show "Dinosaurs" came to be?
Jobs these days.
this dad is ready
Suspicious house
My brother inappropriately touched a seagull
Beware of well... just beware
æ µ
25 years in IT and I finally did it!
It happens