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President of Hugelol apparently.
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Lord of the Rings meets the modern world
Be prepared my bois (stolen Meme)
Engineer dating
*Patient slips Doctor a $20 bill*. “How about u knock me out again!”
This toilet sign in a pub I went yesterday.
Home Depot: Fifty Shades of Orange
So you don't like Germans, eh?!
Wholesome... ?
Yes, yes you are
let me think
Gender Neutered?
Current financial status
Who would've thought church would be savage?
Ahh yes just what i wanted to watch on my flight
You're a C***, Frank!
Hol den Flammenwerfer
A different kind of knee
Dogs Spaghetti
How to gain neighbors respect
Healthy as a horse!!!
Wendy's owning IHOP after name change
High culture
Singapore Summit memes
Officer, why did you pull me over?
dice pliz
Cant wait for Quran 4
We are all equal
Smoothly done
But she's touching his shell now..
pinecone feels
Minister of What?
It's not rocket surgery.
california warzone
Girlfriend was attempting to make our puppy an Instagram dog. This was the result.
Perfect Scenario at work....
anon goes to a party
Finger licking good
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Shity Attitude.
When u don't read the product description!!
Don't know the artist, but it always makes me laugh.
A stoned God is a God worth having.
A letter from the guy who lives upstairs
When your girl is bisexual
She was out on a business trip and came back to this
Old Is G
This is how I found out IHOP changed their name. The savagery is real.
What if time stopped suddenly for 5 seconds ?
gandalf the wise
Low Cost Cosplay Guy
Epic Shitpost
hopefully not re
s p e c i a l
when you've got a new PC and now you can watch shitty memes in HD
It's ridiculous how much I relate to this...
Thunder Bear Sword, meet IHOB
Real Gamerz
I heard it's true
Don’t mess with Wendy’s
Never fails.
Dog on plane
All the waffles will be mine
I’ve been waiting for a package all day. The mail man finally arrived, but promptly fell asleep.
Cocaine is one hell of a drug
What else can you fit?
Hollywood Pitch Meeting, 2018 (colorized)
What’s he Thinking About?
It’s funny because it’s true!
I’m Hellfire Rick!
All aboard the most winningest ride ever in history, believe me!
Tfw IHOP changes its name and you lose a piece of your identity
Do you have to poop?
I feel ya, baby.
R.I.P Roger Bucklesby
19 year old coworker drove Power Wheels to work. That’s a car battery on the hood.
When your gay pride message backfires
Showing dad the love for father's day
Me Every Time
The superintendent on this job site was sick and tired of it.
Tremendous C.R.E.A.M.
Definitely worth it.
There is always someone for you
What's the difference?
A post of Nicholas Cage in a Nicholas Cage cage
Fallout at E3 in 10 minutes bois
Russian anthem starts
I can deal with a fake smile
Things were different back then
High school bathrooms ftw.