When you already are the center of attention but want even MORE attention..............

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You never know
You were the chosen one
Cute spell
My brother is a pilot and spotted this during an in-air refuel
He gave his honest review.
Why am I not a banana
“Watching TV” bit
It must be done right
Real gamers
What are you staring at, pervert?
Another champion denies visit
Don’t drink and browse Amazon
I couldn't even persuade a guard to drop my bounty.
The way I treat other workers now.
Fortnite does wonders for my scalp
When even the cows charge you
A peadophile strikes slowly
The main thing to reach!
was it like 15 minutes?
Oh thank you, boarding pass
Written and Directed by Hideo Kojima
Kawaii 7
i owe you my life
Life in a nutshell
educational meme
My daughter was excited for her first computer homework, but then she had her first experience with Windows Update instead
Edgy quotes 101
That look in his eyes
Never trust those finches
Nobel Prize Nominee
Read it backwards!!
"I could easily kill u in 10 different moves!""yeah?I only got 1 move."
Been waiting for 70 years for this moment.
Well played, KCPD
I'd choose the one on the left
We’re getting a maccies
Oh no
Oh well.
Honestly, it's life advice
Nuke em
Life Of A Meme
With summer here, knowing is half the battle...
All part of their evil plan
Don't wear crocs in the sun
do you recycle?
This magic works charm
This is gold
Nice handshake
If you think the headline is funny, read the article.
4 the lasses out there (or the lads who want to impress a lass)
Happy boi
They didn’t age so well
Someone had fun with their job.
Think about others!
Anon's granpda is dying
She don’t need no man.
When you look inside your guitar to find your pick
Goonies never die, they become multiple comic book icons
Donut have your power go out
Police patrolling the rough streets
Chicken Tendies for the win
Truer words have never been spoken...
My dad was giving me a lesson as to why women live longer
Some guy hit my car while I was at the gym and he left a note... I'm so annoyed.
what kind of lifting force is that?
...what came out of that Singapore trip
Netflix looks different..
Mrs. Frizzle really messed this one up
Florida Man finally gets a win!
Now that is what I am talking about
She's a...
Shake the hand that shook the world
Natural Remedies
When you think you killed your meat, but then find the video you've been looking for 3 years
Football player flipping off the crowd after scoring a touchdown.
Comcast be like...
not everyone is a killer... i promise...
Oh, Missouri!
When work gets on your nerves
It was so hot in Indiana the other day, the squirrels just plopped down on our rails
Jfc god
They aged badly...
Amidst the IHOb controversy, it looks like we've missed something pretty important
Tough day at the office.
Hideo Kojima presents:
Lord of the Rings meets the modern world
Be prepared my bois (stolen Meme)
Engineer dating
*Patient slips Doctor a $20 bill*. “How about u knock me out again!”