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HL Discord: - OC Only - gigalol:-752598949
Commenter of the Month

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Hope she doesn't become invisible
What it's like working with all women and their lunch purses..
Origin of Dinosaurs
Office classics!
Miss u brother
Oh my, Ketel One.
Maybe another time
This is what I see every time I look at the Creed 2 poster.
When you spend a night at your friends house and they forget to give you a blanket
Security question
Would you like to play a game?
Stay woke.
Cat has his own TV
He got it just right.
Just leave while you still can
The power of flex tape
Sickest locker I've ever seen...
damn hes too nice
It’s not vandalism if it’s funny
Now you know which music to play when there are rats in your house
My favorite Joey moment
we are born from nothing and we shall return to nothing
Next time I'll leave two pairs labeled "before" and "after"
You’re from Colorado?
This one is for Gay Pride Month
What kind of class is this
Send Dunes
Always wondered how they evolved
I’ve checked my credit card and I’m safe :)
A kitten’s reaction to catnip
Ground control to Major Tomcat
My dog and cat comforting each other during a thunderstorm
Poor Poor Blade..
Canada at its best
Turning 31 Never Looked So Coo
can't spell dweeb without weeb
Top Gear was Awesome!
So old, but so gold.
Stop children!
The creators of Far Cry 5 taking a chance to mock the flat earth society.
My cousin spotted this dude on a Sydney train this morning
World Cup Match
When you want to impress a girl
Did you do that?
Shouldn't it say Put On before Put In?
thanks driver
Table for 1?
It's the small things that make being a parent so rewarding
And bananas!
I asked my boss this and he got the reference... I love my job!
Came to work today and saw this note on the bathroom door
Quiet T H O T
This is how engineer students deal with trash bins
the massive aeroplane -_-
Welcome to Norway! Land of Fjords and....wut?
You *** with Waluigi they'll wipe you off with a squeegee
Ages 4 and up!
Max Eye Width
*autistic screaming* (100 posts yay!)
We just don't
Hi mom I'm on TV!
The most incredible photograph ever captured.
Metric System
Way to go Brian!
Number 1!
The Prophecy is Real
That's the end of that
Telekinetic powers
Friend of of mine got this from his step daughter
sometimes in VR
Taco. Yoghurt.
Autism your children today.
When you’re so damn lazy that even an app can detect it.
For the Kids
Logan getting burnt
Frickin Lasers!
Turns out he was just an impasta
All of mankind’s secrets were just revealed to me.
Realistic Foosball table.
let's see
Bomb has been planted
I saw this and it just made my day, hope it makes yours too!
This looks fun!
My niece’s veil blew off. But they caught it
Does everyone have their moving buddy?
where is it!~
Perfectly timed prank. That's me a split second before I realize I'm wet.
Space Force
Up to 5 stars.