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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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This is not a lie
Hit it dawg!
Siri: show me fragile masculinity
Told my dad to grab the sunscreen before we hit the beach. Sit down and he hands me this...
No, I don’t jack off, why?
How the average American sees the world
Something for the ladies...
Which way do I go again?
My local sex shop stung a shoplifter in the best way.
I cant stand anything over 30
Gave this soap to my sister, the middle child, without reading the sentence under the title.
What about this one
Ron is the best character in the whole show.
Quit playing guys
For my fellow Nurses out there
How the rest of the world sees USA
I think that I downloaded the wrong Harry Potter film
Historical Edition
This was a very interesting discovery I made
Found this on Amazon under hourglass reviews
I'm thankful UPS found my new glassware useful for getting whatever was on the higher shelf
Resting *** Face: Level Expert
Collective nouns
'You got served'
It was the sugar all along!!
Do feathers count?
Fishing buddies.
2 girls....
Uber driver’s playlist is a banger.
This is what i call a nice spirit
Adventures of Pam_Pam
When you wake up from a nap
"You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it."
The real truth about geese.
Me taking compliments like a pro
Google Fail
Pupper Cerberus guarding the Gates of Heck
Car salesman
Probably relatable for my fellow Scandinavians too
Obi wan-na tell you something
It's probably just the wind
Goodbye General Kenobi
I should get a bird, wait
Life is a thriller
Is such a thing even possible?
This happens every morning starting at exactly 4:00 am
Mowing the lawn with GPS tracking turned on.
Who I am doesn't matter.....
Especially if you're home schooled...
Harvesting season
keep up the good work shellbois
This sign on a vending machine at my work
This vet's awesome wheelchair at Red Rocks Ampitheater
Posted up in a coffee shop, the description is spot on
Gather the knights
Oof that hurts
Don't even think about it ....
Played miniature golf today...... this one was particularly hard
Cute birb
global warming has detrimental effects
surprise friendish.
My heroes!
Earth sandwich
Strongest Dude
Git rekt!!
Everybody is telling me to jump
Some things will never change.
Well that make sense.
As seen in my 10 year high school reunion group on FB
Sorry god for I have sinned
Enough already! Could be a repost or x-post to Aztec to check
A perk of smoking alone.
Do not question the elevated one
Can't say he didn't deserve it
How's studying going ????
Penne for your thoughts, m’lady
good meme, good meme,,,
Hold on to your seats
Perhaps Wendy’s should’ve given their new sign in Beaver, PA more thought...
I’m confused...
Stupidity check
me during the summer heat
My friend was left alone with refrigerator magnets
Worry not.
Neymar’s private jet
My sticks
Stay on target!
This Bose advertisement made me laugh.
How to train your dog.