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The side effect of SOCIAL media
First hand job experiences
Gills would be nice too
Wishing them well..
Girls I like vs Girls that like me
You're ruining my life, MOOOOM
I received a birthday card. Thanks 'grampa'
This Happens all the time.
Number 1.
“Don’t.... move...”
Won a bet against my boss nearly a year ago. Came into work to see that he finally paid pennies.
Found this and had to throw it over here
For those who haven't left the friendzone
Is it just me, or does the IRS building sign look like a giant Cards Against Humanity card?
Moment of silence pls
Even wittier title
When your nose looks like a Ninja Turtle
6 in 1 body wash
One way to keep those pesky Jehovahs Witnesses away
Damned Millenials
Vincent Vans Gough
It's sure isn't a poppy, butt...
Ain't nobody saying bless you 3 times
Who broke my windshield ?
Sweet revenge!
Jesus saves.
Guns n’ Roses have mellowed our in their old age
You will never be this russian
That’s one way to do it
“Sausage mask”...
This section is religious as f*#k
You can never escape the meme life
Computors would never be the same
Discreet packaging my ass.
The Bose Quietcomfart #2
An interesting fossil
Saw this on the road around where I live
just hold it
I’m sold
i miss this show #germanhumour
The Barney reboot may be a little too realistic...
I'm a bee
When "banana for scale" goes wrong. These grew in my uncle's backyard.
Customer service job interview
These challenges are getting out of control.
A Jazzy Terrorist
Girls Want Dad Bods
My friends' kid asked for a 3DS for his birthday.
30 years of marriage and Mom still leaves Dad love notes
Hit an important milestone last night.
Wholesome :)
He also responds to "the ogre", "that thing", and "xXx_The69BLAZE420Master_xXx"
This photo of this young-adult cow
Toilet philosophy at its finest
This tree looks incredibly angry
Learnt this today. Thought I'd pass it on.
Your dog when someone rings the doorbell
Chance of sex: unchanged
Very logical choice
A friend sent me this photo of him
Men are so innocent sometime.....
Saw this at a coworker's house after work today
Worst conversation ever
I love German.
tfw bonefire
ha ha
And spiderman was never the same to me again
This absolutely brilliant company
Cheep Cheep
This billboard I found in NYC
My girlfriend had questions when she saw my receipt for Hotel Transylvania 3.
Why did you become a pilot?
This rain is unreal
Before you call the cops on someone, remember what you learned in kindegarten
My snack pack Privilege
So simple.
Vegan Cheat Year
Four Years of Christmas Family Photos
Bought my dog a new chew toy, keeps everybody out of my yard
years of Mario Kart have prepared me for this moment
May we all achieve sick gains from his sacrifice.
Math checks out
Velvet is the new meme format
Son Comes Out of Closet
Look at what eating Frosted Flakes did to Tony the Tiger
McLovin It!
Fire escape planning as real men
Time for dessert
He's just the sweetest guy ever
If this isn't ironic, I don't know what is
I’m glad he still has his sense of humor
Literally every electronic signature ever gathered at the grocery store
What do Flat-Earthers fear?