When you eat LSD and figure out the secret of existence and have to write it down so you don’t forget it later

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Haha it looks like an ass haha
Got em good
An absolute unit.
Come at me bro. Preferably with some carrots or grass.
Ordering one now
Interesting title.
I Teach Science
Best High Score
only asians will get this one
This is war
What is my purpose? See Serial #.
Grapefruit technique intensifies
Spook search
Scan for women: 3 possible matches
We've come a long way
The philosophy of seagulls
Try it!
Crystal Palace
Opportunity well taken
Welcome everyone!
Later virgins
Just say maybe
When to come to Pisa in Italy, don't forget to take a proper photo
My brother needed a place to stay for the night so I built him a home
It wasn’t me
Patrick at his best.
Exactly me!
Bakery was closed this morning
She got schooled alright
Entertaining an orangutan
I care enough to try
Man, I thought we were at least a couple years off from a Mad Max wasteland society. But, I guess $4.00 a gallon can do that
People would still buy.
Video i meant to post
Seize the means of reproduction
First the dragonballs then the world
La Croix: Fruit farts in a can
This sticker on a minivan. Much more great.
Birthday present from my 9 year old
How inspirational...?
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang, llama lama pig bang
Just calling it how we see it.
When the water shuts off mid shower and you’re already 20 min late for work.
I've tried to film it, but it's just a black blur.
My Favorite Meme of All Time
This guy wasn’t letting a delayed flight ruin his day.... Hooked up a PlayStation to airport monitors!
Choose your figther!
When the new girl at work asks for help.
Edgar Allen Poe? I haven't heard that name in years.
Truth be spoken
Italian cat!
I need help now.
Not both
Anon doesn't like Mike
The heaviest Futurama episode.
Check your level of deforestation
How relaxing
Cards against humanity, level: BOSS
Get inked
No more criminals, crime rate dropped to 0%
Two guys are trying to pass this guy of as being alive in the airport.
Just doesn’t mean what it used to
General Kenobi!
Street art in Japan
Evil dog
They also hired him to fake its existance
Stiff wood
Being a white guy in asia
That's what happens if you leaving a young girl with a cat.
A true master
Title of your post
Gotta catch em all
But what he doesn't know is that I have sharpness V
"Would you like to see a picture of my pride and joy?" -Jerry
This bible verse always keeps me positive when I’m at work
Should have ordered the blueberries muffin
The longer you look,the funnier it gets....
People-shaming, oh how the turn tables
You won't get me
i can hear this image
Got 15 cousins!
Biology 100
Original meem? Not today
Need to stay in shape
Alexa, remind me to feed the baby