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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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We sing because we CAN
He dodged the bullet like a ninja
They look so proud :)
Ain’t that the truth !!!
Lay off the booze spotted danger cat
*Dabs on the haters*
I couldn't stop laughing at this. Thought I'd share it with you guys.
what a story
I don't speak N̶a̶z̶i̶ but eh, it's Harold.
I am moving cross country in three weeks, and my friends threw me a going away party. Some are handling it better than others...
Googly Eyes Sure Do Amplify Character Expressions
Get the joy stick out
Choose your hero
Crocodile's daily life
Pull the lever, Kronk!
Please, we need the karma
A pupper and doggo dumperooni to cure your Sunday scaries
As a guy with a mustache, this is how Red Bull REALLY wakes me up in the morning....
When your game isn't so strong.
Do it again!
This cat took the essentials and left town.
y tho
That's a terrible surprise
A very Sikh sense of humor.
When your mom forces you to speak to your relatives
Bika dugs
I ran a race this past weekend. The photo of me at the finish had an uncanny resemblance to PC Principal.
Happenes All The Time
This haunts my nightmares...
The Purrfect Twist Dance!
Knowing’s half the battle!
Somewhere in an alternate universe..
Manfried the cleverly named pet man
Thou shalt heal thy burgers
I can relate, so can you...
I still can't tell
English Mf'er
Added a shortcut to parents phone everytime they type "No"
The forbidden meme
birb haha
What could go wrong
Automatic American citizenship for these bloaks.
Saw this gem
It sticks to your ribs
I only see the T-rex battle
;( ... why did he click allow?
"You Have 20 Minutes to Comply"
I Swear These Are Connected
My Dad Dressed up as Borat For Halloween
As a turtle, this is Relatable
The original fleshlights
Dive carefully
You did good people
This awesome sign at a local little league field
Beer Fusion
Niagara Falls Aug 13 2018
Oh John...
Not your typical girl
whenever i wake up to get food.
The new neighbors are very old
Ready to be in SUPERLOVE?
damn burgers
If I only saw this in my way to work instead of the way home.
I’m single, in my early 30’s, and all my friends have kids. This is my life.
I'd just like to aks you a question
Need milk
Gotta try something
Atheist’s tombstone. Ferndale, CA. Gotta love a good sense of humor.
Reflexion on the human mind
Momma always said...
this frame made me chuckle
my newest attempt to offend an Italian: check out the sushiroll crust
the best tshirt ever
Bud Light Placing ‘Victory Fridges’ In Cleveland Bars, Free Beer For Everyone When Browns Win First Game Since 2016
Take me back to the 70's
Haha ew.
Picture taken before a catastrophe
When browsing new actually pays off.
It’s an eggcellent question.
Sky raisins
There’s no age limit to disappointing your parents
Broke up with my GF. When she fell asleep I stole her toilet
Before and After Beer
Renewable energy at your fingertips
Please come back Duddy -6
I was watching a documentary and I believe someone mislead the gallery owner into thinking he'll be filmed from the waist up. In all fairness he did wear half a suit.
It’s always so disappointing smh
How do you break the news to him?
In a bit of a pickle
This hangs in the cubicle of one of my favorite dispatchers and makes me laugh every time I see it!
How could you
(almost) Everyone is here ! (HD version in comments)
Michael here