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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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possibly the best variation of wojak
God plays skee-ball, Death plays claw machine
Football FTW.
I never get tired of puns
My parents are very lucky
I cant argue with that!
Capitalism gets you the best hugs.
A terrible disease
Baby, come to my house...
We're going back to Camelot with our bikes!
Looks interesting
Mate, y u do this
Youtube tutorials nowadays.
More lööps await Ashen One.
This dude started reading his book and got inspired
Alfred Hitch*** being the best
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Afghanistan
We’ve all been there before
Sometimes rules were meant to be broken.
Seen on the way to work. Guy on his Harley wearing fake tattoo sleeves.
Is Netflix turning into cable tv?
"Id kill my own brother"
How not to be a doctor 101
Anon is a creep
Dangers of Marijuana
I just needed this laugh tonight!
This dude is dressed like a 90's cafeteria cup.
Cleaning out my late Nan's sewing room and found a biscuit tin that actually had biscuits in it
Being honest about your talent
It’s a whole thing
Fun with disabilities part two
oh geez
Or maybe tomorrow
The perfect pose
Someone's gonna be an internet celebrity before she wakes up in the morning! Let the meme's begin!
The best line in Netflix’s Disenchantment.
They're doing their best.
Found a fossil outside my house today
Finally managed to do a handstand today
From the mouth of babes
This adoption card
When the engineer gets to do the paintjob
I guess I’ll die.
got ghost in your blood.
The industry that Elon Musk is going to disrupt next
Someone brought a rake to a music festival
I want you to do it
Let the party begin
thicccat available for adoption
Almost made it
Fun with disabilities part one
Seriously though what’s the hold up
My only guess is that Thor is real
Imagine seeing this before going on a plane
The Spooks Are Coming Early This Year, Bois!
My Granny!
wholesome waah
The best and worst tattoo ever.
OwO what's this
Unfunnyn't meme
Great idea !
This is so sad
That was a bald move
The best flatearthist
If I fits, I sits?
Meet Pawpaw. He is not amused.
Now pet friendly!
Press any button
Asked wife how the visit to the vet was going....
Just discovered the "Wheel of Fortune Answers" twitter feed
Don't forget lads
Airdropping the essentials
When you buy a $200,000 car and then remember you need some trunk space.
They get it...
Just pronounce it
Blue shell pin badge. Saying it how it is.
Im a security guard just doin my rounds, walked into the conference room and saw this.
my pickup line: "to reach happiness, you only need to ligma"
Hotter than the sun
Bow down to your Karma King
Good boy... bad cop
Not sure if this should go on lapel or hat
Point of agreement
Remember be safe introducing your child to pets.
Same old soviet union
Loves antivaxxers
Cat ignored
The Sandman by It’s the Tie