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Traffic police officer in front of a primary school
When you want to hang out with your friends
Fun Facts About Germany
Darn shadows
Meeting Bear Grylls
The greatest history
When I was younger, I didn't understand it. Today, I'm speechless
Some people ....
Be Offensive
New generation of pokemon
Wife decided we needed a HEPA filter in our bedroom. She picked it out and set it up; has been saying that she doesn't think it works. 6 months later, I decided to change the filter... I blame myself.
[I used to be an adventurer like you Intensifies]
dont we all?
The Onion always gets me..
The penguin is in the eye of the beholder
Hard work!
I’ve been off on stay-cation from work for two weeks with very little contact with the outside world. My first day back is tomorrow.
Best one so far.
Girls when they remember something you did 4 months ago
gonna need that back
Allison Janney gets mistaken for prettier version of Allison Janney
these edibles ain't shit
But what if....
Oh god please stop
They always seem to start this way...
Classic English Literature
Granny said I’ve grown since the last time I saw her. I think that’s a bunch of crap.
They've gone too far....
When the airline loses your luggage before the wedding
But if you can't handle me at my worst...
If only I had three friends.
Jason Momoa ladys and gentlemen.
Have you met Jamie ?
Wrong guys oops...
They're so useful, you can even use one to power a clock
All rocks go to heaven
Alcoholism is a sin
Never underestimate
Whale Fact
They’re just living our dad dreams...
Rent me Hourly
In my bathroom stall at work
So goood hahaha
Two new playable characters
Good memes
Kevin & his "Time Out" tank
I think Ron's a lying ***
Well...Technically it's correct
Stop right now you criminal scum!
That rare post in the mist of propaganda
The blazing will be epic beyond compare
Something something cold water
Less problems like that
Horrible ad placement
Oh my
He can meme too
Determination to get Greg in jail
The hype is real.
More Evolved?
I want that cup
I think my cat is trying to summon a demon
When my GF gets pizza without me
Revolt my brothers and sisters!
Really makes you think
Babe come on
Hello There
English is tricky
How to deliver bad news
Arguing with your girlfriend
When you need a new Tinder profile pic...
My how times have changed
Let me play you the song of my people
This is it guys, we reached the end, we peaked : All Star but it's in Wonderwall but it's in Africa
I Left My Morning Yoghurt Alone On The Dining Table...
Ro mah ro-mah-mah. Gaga ooh-la-la!
the truth is out there
I see
Shagged a few pigs....
I prefer the term ‘Caucasian’
She's smart, she's beautiful, she's got a
33 Year Age Gap Defend Their Relationship
Don't be stupid progressive
Time to hit up the mall on Saturday
Tom Hanks at the 1998 Oscars...
Spider-Man takes justice into his own... mouth...
This is too much
It's free
Her wireless hamster isn't working