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President of Hugelol apparently.
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Identity theft is not a joke guys..
and mother of the year award goes to.......
Literally the best thing I've ever found on facebook
Aaaannnd... cut.
I feel attacked
Every morning before work
After vigorously searching the internet for 45 minutes
For real though..
How to be a Stone Cold Bitter *** 101
A personal attack
An Extra Milk Dud
an inspiring title
Murder She Tweeted
The only right thing to do
My friend is apparently allergic to hair dye
Wife got me this for my bday. New favorite.
Even the horses
It is the little things.
What did they do?!
ms pain
Not The Onion
Glad I did
“There’s a time and a place” - this lady
So good!
A reality show for flat eathers
God Bless The USA!
Bumper stickers are becoming more and more questionable
Corporate Cats
Not sure where from or whom to give credit but this is something els
Exercise for the older folks.
Go back to school
you are now cursed
Meme banning
I’m just kind of speechless at this point
Good boy!!
That's why and many more things I hate the Fashion industry
Good luck, North Carolina.
All aRound you say...
One Crocodile Rock Special coming up.
Instructions not clear..
Say divorceeeee
The hells going on?
Old school vs New school
The Swedish Ferrari
These are popular right now
Spot the odd one out
These pigeons...
An attempt to overturn Google
That was even before Meinkraft hunger games
Lets find out
Teacher flips out and theb realizes he messed up
Here, hold this.
Turkish TV
Greatest crossover in history change my mind
Found the perfect magnet to go with my kids school picture
Artist bird drops his latest piece
RIP Florida Man
World's greatest book dedication
Wellllllllll then
What's all the Fus about?
5 more minutes
Stealth Mode: Enabled
Press F
Title tank empty
The forbidden fruit!
Every girlfriends favorite restaurant!
when the gossip is good XD
Someone put a helpful label on the electrical outlet at school.
Uhhh... you may wanna double check that
Chinese goods - you just cant get this stuff in the West
These highschoolers won best dressed group during homecoming week
The Lord's Return
Just text to any random number and hope for a convert
Go duck yourself
PoshMB: Zacko659
Anon has a stunning Realization
You just really had to look sometimes...
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Got this gem sent to me by my father
Looking for adventure?
Get outta here high beamers
Knees weak
When Vandals have a sense of humor.
The DOOM is eternal
A Trius?
Dude looks like a lady
Look closely at this image.
Penetrating Gays
if article 13 is a meme, does it ban itself?
Executive Producer Matt Groening
Please come back Duddy -35