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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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learning some spooky keys for october
Ignorance at its finest
The tables have turned....
Please come back Duddy -41
CVS receipt in art form.
It's not a story a normie would tell you
Dude has his priorities set.
I still remember the light. It was so bright...
My mom needed a wheelchair so my dad improvised.
9MM vs Ballistic Gell
my little brother, who was super smart and just started highschool, texted me this
Works 2/3 of the time
Not religious, though it's great to figure out sometimes.
Don’t spit.
How to troll Christians
Well, it did say "check", right?
Hope she doesn’t shit her pants
Lets not forget it's not all great for captain marvel
Prostitution it is.
Give me my upvote, Taco
Oh J. Jonah Jameson, you old horndog...
I see all your Fords, and raise you this Chevy Suburban.
To all the baby's mamas' mamas...
They’ve really changed directions.
One of the best episodes of the Colbert Report in my opinion
I thought this belonged here
Wisdom from Homer
Someone literally punched the time clock
I was looking for this clip to add to Educational gifs . . . that is not the way I remember it going down.
Found this in downtown Seattle
Bring me a dream.
Worker level 10
Rest in oven
What animal documentaries have not told us
An unsolved "meowder"
Only another $347,823 to go...
Ever wonder where gay people come from?
Not gonna stop me from using it tbh.
Superheroes also have everyday routines
Getting ready for my in-laws to visit
The council shall decide your fate
Just your average lion trying to shove a crocdiles head into a hippos butt
Odd coincidence???
map_ editor.exe crashed
Ré ?
Logic by Harry
i swear to god i work in a coles and everytime it happens i just dksjicwnke
~ ~ ~ 13 ~ ~ ~
Pleasure meets pain
Honesty is the best business practice.
Duck Duck Go
Somebody get this good boy his treat.
Classical memes
I'll be cheering my jailhouse boobies off for you
Dave Chapelle in an interview with Conan, 1999.
Gotta love buzzfeed
This represents me
Freedom of Choice
Think my dog is broken, Please help.
Scissors won this time
Bears know.
Best Practices
Jimmy Carr's most offensive joke
It really makes sense
Keanu Reeves on his sex scene with the director's wife
Not very clever
Leap of thought
Missing Craigy-Poo!
Drugs, what drugs?
An oldie, but a goodie
Prettiest princess in al of Disney Land
This passive aggressive sign outside an apartment complex in Los Angeles
Can’t Be Too Careful Nowadays
They do sneak up on ya sometimes
Not my kids!
Xiaomi mocks new iPhone in a funny way..
Normal human vs. LEXICON
Capitalism in a nutshell
WhAt tHe ActUaL F#@k?
John has no chill
When we both took pictures of each other.
The prophet
I borrowed this. Now can we stop?
Trolled by the Pottery Barn.
Guillermo del Toro's brother
Ford Focus
I wanna know why someone would wanna hurt people like this.
My friend has a framed photo of his toilet on his toilet
It must be a Good joke perhaps