The student with the Venmo sign is a legend. I checked his Venmo and there are hundreds of people who sent him money.

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Taking zero chances in 2018.
Hand me a beer
New glasses
Go easy on the OJ!
200 likes on this post and I stop posting for 2 weeks.
Pooh was on to something...
I promise to stop
Whose ***ing restaurant is this?
I'm Pickle Cosmo
One of these don’t belong...
The pillow just EXPLODED, Mom!!
And the title has nothing to do with the post
WikiHow helps us again
2 stars.
And the circle is complete
You don’t have a chance
He's my pillow now
Found this at a local ice cream parlour in India.
The devil's lettuce made me do it
That's not fair play
Can all the fellas please join me in a collective sigh of grief?
Best cosplay ever!
Mostly action movies
Aussies are truly the real shitposters
Remember who's in charge.
This is how online relationships are /
Turn everything into weapons
Mint chewingcum
Ha Fat
Important distinction
I'm craving some Ocean Meat
Paycheck reveals the truth!haha
I think thid proves a point.
Who says video game adaptations of films suck
Venom's new look
I always knew fish were stupid, but this takes the cake
Emma & WEED
Taking grandma to church
That’s always a possibility
Elongated Muskrat
The devil
Writing a test be like;
Never buy a dog when you're drunk
It's all so clear now
Pumpkin Spice Warrior
The ultimate friend zone
Sketchy Situation
Drew the short straw on that one.
Ba dum Pssss
Facts of life
Proof that 1:38 = Pringles time
Mash X To Double Edge
When the plane won't fit
i can smell the picture
Decided to splash some cash and got a 36ft Yacht
Times are tough!
I love that feeling too man
This newspaper explaining about Dora The Explorer
Bread rises in the yeast but sets in the waist
Hail Satin!
Mmm dominoes
Hotel air conditioner has seen some things.
When I see the internet going full circle on Bowsette returning to SonicFurries with UgandanKnuckles
Keep it at 51 XXdddddd
Review of the day
Say what again.
The internet is a beautiful place where you can find things like this:
IceAge was right
That’s a nope
Look at me. I am the Sphinx now.
Okay den
Have a good weekend
Idk, but I'm getting a good vibe
It doesn't get more teen than this at the book fair!!!
Me after my 7 - 10 am classes
So anyway, I'm banned from the children's museum
Something new for my bucket list.
Just a cheeky 100 bucks
All bases covered
Grandpa's cheat sheet
MIL ordered a photo blanket for us.
Justin Time for a funny
Sneaky Fox
Y’all need one of these
I am very badass
I reimagine drawings by my nephews here is a mama and baby spider vs a mama and baby scorpion
The medieval office
I mean it’s the truth.
Damn timmy!
Age before wisdom
An actual webpage coded by an actual human
My brother in law was so proud of the shelves he built...
just beat it to both
Man's worst nightmare