My co-worker likes to photoshop me when we are in company meetings. I work from home and my house was freezing.

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My chef just told me there was a massive leak in the kitchen ceiling.
i don't know
Temporary Potato Holder
Poor Jason
U mean Congrachoolayshuns
Cluck cluck ***
Contrary to popular belief millennials can still afford to buy homes
When your favourite memes and anime crossover
Movies be like
Seconds before the accident.
Chocolate companies merge
When you buy cereal in the bag
Ducking ducks
These ad uses real customer reviews
@ SoundCloud High School
I’m waiting...
When your son is going through a phase
Came back from a long vacation to literally every single thing on my desk wrapped in tin foil
All business in his suit
Click, clickity, click. Click.
Eat shit and die.
We decided to do everything the resort photographer told us do
Don't ask PETA
Watching your allies die and get raped gives you 50 stress
Just another day at the park...with my 11-dog photo shoot
Weighing the options
I’ll just sit here and burn
Slightly pleased
It’s pronounced Quiche Dammit!
my manager is not here mam
The mirror is a traitor.
Good old times
I need this type of chair in my office
Smart kid
And we are watching
Keeps it interesting
Some motivational quotes from Neymar
Get all your sins online!
Unexpected Cookie Monster
Any minute now.
Just inquiring...
Good boi
My son forged my signature on his homework.
Damn Peter
Hard times call for difficult decisions
When a squirrel got better cleavage than you
State of the Art Camouflage
If you’re offended, stay offended
Couple’s costume idea
Meanwhile in Momtana
This should be interesting...
Smokin Corolla
Didn't know Guillermo Del Toro had a brother.
Still my favourite moment in How I Met Your Mother
Rappers today...
Just arrived from Amazon, damaged.. Is this a test? Should I be giving a f*ck?
All hail Christopher Cross
Haters will say it's fake
Suck it up
The No Nonsense Guide to Coffee
Wood or other Beavers, I'm not judging
Halloween decor level: Dad
Sugar, spice and oh crap!
Water starts rising
When I'm sleeping and my 5th alarm goes off hhhh
That’s his kill streak
The best way to start a book
Was cleaning my mom's bathroom and realized that this jar that's been sitting there for 15 years is not filled with sea shells. It's filled with pasta shells...
The early 00s was a magical time
Selfie hhhhhh
Girlfriend took a panoramic of a scenic overlook
My buddy decided to critique nature.
Most Aggressive Dog Breeds
Because I care about you
Well, If you're going to be racist, you might as well be Michael Scott racist
Well timed
Optimus Style
His chest looks like a women butt getting ready for doggystyle
sleeping thought
Ooh bowser
Is fortnight really all that bad?
God-tier literacy program
Just found this gem on Quora
China speaks the truth
We know about this