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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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Its not
My cousins had a paint party at their daycare and now they look like a cartoon character when a bomb explodes
Anon has a new job
The G.O.A.T
Ohhh that’s what he meant
Want to know how to freak out your flight? Fold a parachute right outside your gate.
Fallopian Tube Swim Team
Cat pretending it's part of a wall
Banksy inspired Itchy and Shreddy
An internet classic.
Professional introverts
This turtle riding an eel
When you delete the torrent after it finishes downloading
Where's the hentai
I can't B positive at times like these woman!
Don't tell me how to live my life
And he claims he doesn't have a favorite
I wish my girlfriend told me she was afraid of heights BEFORE going on the ferris wheel
He speak the truth
I knew it..
Ad paused at the perfect moment. Huehuehuehue
After seeing this i know there is no god
Every Job Interview
Same with Razor Scooters
This guy will win the elections!
Mew Hast
Your scientist were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.
best time
It do be like that sumtimes
Sweet Victory
*mic drop*
How fast was that going?
Hold my slippers
Short lived
You may be cool, but you'll never be chicken wearing glasses cool.
Chaotic evil cat in the hat
I think the Michelin Man found a new Halloween costume
Part 2.
Go back <--
The overcomplicated bong
In insightful observation
This is the kind of shopkeeper i like to see
Don't be a follower, be a leader
martin luther, circa 1517
It has really gotten out of hand.
My little brother got his first debit card today...
He'll never see it coming
пойдем на Луну
When your boss says practically everyone is getting a raise this year.
Burn the heathen!
Got some fresh boots
I mean that's all that really matters :/
Spooky Nerds!
I spit my drink out when i saw this
They’ve gone too far.
Preggo for Halloween and having fun with it!
Argh.... Dan.
It bothers me the most because those uncomfortable AF
CTRL + Alt + Del ... End Process
Part 1.
No first world problems!!
Papa johns is metal AF
I just take mine off the stick.
You don’t have enough space.
Current satellite image of Canada. #legalize
He's telling the truth
Not Op; Broken Tv
Wuz good my zebra?
Day 2 of legalization. Death rate drops. Food sales rise.
Like moths and lamps
First one in the family to graduate college
wonder what he did
dammit not again
Aftermath of legalization at a grocery store in Vancouver, Canada.
This is in my school's chemistry room
Got fired from the nuclear power plant today. Gave my boss the middle finger and walked out.
Because sniffing is for the weak.
After you fight all of the instruments, this is the final boss
He’s also an A-cup
Man of culture
C A N ' T S L E E P
Weird people
This guy found himself on an empty airplane so he took a picture of himself in every seat and photoshopped them together
I love my dog
Baseball fans never disappoint in Houston
Ready for battle, sir
Girls are so nurturing
It's funny because I had autism anyways