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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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You have my thanks
Is the dinosaur laughing?
Yep that's how it goes
Me with all of my friends:
Soft Billed Duck
Ain’t this the truth.
Made me laugh hard at the moment didn’t check to see if it’s been post a million times just wanted to share
Dog doesn't get what he expects
This one felt too personal
Anon is sad
Shame Dave Shame
Received my Elon Musk flamethrower today.
We're Texas. We do what we want.
I hiked 1800m up a volcano today, so here's pic of a cloud ***. I'm rather proud of it
That’s pretty much what it feels like.
calling all gamer girls to show me your feet
Everytime when it snows
Asking my dad, who is a chef, how long to microwave a 25 pound turkey...
Do you slap the dimpled balls?
1940s jokes
Canadians are pretty polite tbh.
Nice guy
Detective Pikachu looks exactly like Dustin from Stranger Things
amen !!
Thanks to school I can tell you the rate of population of an amusement park but can't tell you how to fill out a W-4 form
God I love club penguin memes
Women dont deserve Nathan
Crime is funny
When you gotta go you gotta go.
Good dad
Nice Job
My Neighbor posts images from his trail camera. It cracks me up, he gives them conversations.
The fault is obviously entirely Downudder's
how to get slapped
almost wholesome
saw this bumper sticker on my way to class last week
Music was better when dorks were allowed to make it
These Unfortunate Christmas Lights
November in Canada be like...
Cats morning stroll
A supHERB telescope!
Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gaaaaaallllllll
Wot if i ran on ya mum
The reason being Player 1 was everything
My take on inspirational home decor
They are here for you
Can confirm... about the karate
It really do be like that
Glorious. warhammer fans will appreciate
Throwback Thursday!!
The hero we WANT and DESERVE.
True isn't it?
God fuking damn dasani
Evolution According to...
I know this is old, but I still find it funny!
Thankyou, neckst.
Just don’t
You can dream
Meowy xmas
Oh Mr Armstrong.
I feel fine
we‘re dating now get over it boy
this meme isnt fine as it is
Didn’t see that coming
Hey, mcfly. I thought i told you never to come in here
I was lost in china, but i saw this extremely helpful sign...-_-
Slide with style x) 8/10
*guy gets stabbed in the distance*
dont see me!!
what a nice guy
I can only imagine.
Let's eat, Grandma! Let's eat Grandma!
who is this 4chan?
When you're so high, you transform
What the ***? O.o
uno diet coke por favor
When you see post with interesting title but pic doesn't loading
This is the inspiring story of Trevor Smith.
It has to be said
Thanks Tod...
found out what I'm doing this weekend
never forget this ancient parable
(Tweeted from SawCon)
free real estate
I’m for it
god speed sir
These giraffes look like they are about to drop the hottest album of the year
I didn't come there only for the plot
Why is this actually true
posting this in Icognito mode so my FBI agent doesnt know whats coming