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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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See you later alligator, after 'while crocodile
Like the good ol' time
Seizure salad
This is my life now
Greg and Boris say heyadiddlydoo
Schrodinger's plates
Pika pika bit*#
You know what? I don't think i wanna know this trick either
This could be a good movie
Pugs are fundamentally broken in every possible aspect
The world needs more of such heroes.
Those were the days.
Very good sign
The whole 24 can go to hell
No need for parking sensors when you got these
The original sin
Cheers 2018
Its her own fault honestly
Anon sells game
3...2....1 lets bzzzzzzz
We are hitting the era of meme realism
Yeah I remember that lol
I will be definitely talking a walk this thanksgiving!
Home Depot knows how to party
When I ask Chrome about the RAM.
anyone else cry when you put it out?
I don't think my mom understands what she just did here
You can't hide forever
Yep, I have 27 abdominal muscles!
Receiving fan mail.
I knew
If you laugh you're going to hell.
‘Nuff said.
Hate it when mom gives me my sister's hand-me-downs
I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just here to pee on you
Ready to strike
Just Moe
Oh shit :D
What this little girl is thankful for.
I hate the discrimination on this site
Pretty sure I captured the exact moment my dog realized that the kitten was here to stay
When you know there are furries in your local area.
This. Changes. EVERYTHING.
I don't think these are usual pills
A world map produced from ancient grease
Just received this from a friend.
Game of the year....
I’d rather not
Where do you think your goin?
English vs. English
Russia wants Bulgarians to stop painting their old monuments as US heroes.
Now that’s one hell of an interview
Can’t we all just get along
Adulting is hard
Face reality
Much appreciated
The teachers’ cafeteria staff at a high school put up a sign.
Dogs reaction to cotton candy
So that happened
The Sunday blues.
I’m going to snitch.
Go out there and break a leg
Guess who didn't care about making the bed
So what now?
Almost that time of the year.
Sometimes courage is the answer
Anon plays RDR2
Anon at school
Anon goes to a party
Christmas in Colorado
A good follow up to OC
olde but golde
He din do nuffin
It's a job
Only in Russia smh
They just grow up so fast
2D is much better
Yeah the child!
We found a relic!
The true story behind the anime
Let's make a deal
Anthony Hopkins mansion - Wildfire
My hero
Thank god it's closed
Don't tell her
Doctor: you've been eating too many rare candies Me:
Horse funerals on tuesdays
Snow in Clarke
My friend's wife doesn't understand perspective.
Friendly Chinese police reminder