My Grandpa cut a hole in his nice new fence so my dog could see people as they walk by .

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He did it to get extra credit
Best one I’ve come across
Yeah, just drink the ocean? Duh.
Welcome to Walmart, get your shit and get out.
FOX is Savage
A real pickle
Always a new quote there is
Tommy is the best waifu
Upvote to stop a forest fire.
He’s not wrong.
Placebo Meme
Kids these days just won’t understand
Remix To Ignition
It's fruit salad you stupid feline
No one is watching...
Please phone a friend
Somebody call Kellogg’s please and tell them the Frosted Mini Wheat harvest is ready.
Blue team double kill
Sounds like a deal.
So I came back to my desk to this
Gotta love 12 year olds who think they know everything
These are getting out of control haha
Be Realistic
This Dad's in trouble
A really good chili recipe
Rip Stalin
Ohhhhhh yeeaaahhhhh!
Not very cat like humans.
Dear Diary,
But you said I could pick out one thing
What is your opinion on the moon?
The hottest toy this holiday season
My vet is showing my cat how fat he is
Poor Travis
My wife and I recently attended a rave-themed 5K event. I took this picture of her standing in front of a light board...
Smoke em if you got em
Words cannot describe how this picture makes me feel
frodo comin'
Oooh boy.
Sometimes you gotta explain your nuts
I’m bringing this back
*laughs in hieroglyph*
Anon need to understand that normalfag is the correct term
She's real
That isn’t a good idea
My wife asks which shoes are better. Apparently they are different.
needs to be upgraded tho
Sad but true
Calculator memes are the new format
It helps him go faster on his bike of course
Take ... on ... Me!
It do be like that tho
When you love basketball but there is no court around.
is very dumb, but it
Find your cat like this
I could see how this could be taken out of context...
I'm already Ashe
Do you want a nekomimi dystopia? Because that's how you get a nekomimi dystopia
When they change the Matrix on the fly
Harder Better Faster Stronger
hello monday
Yare yare daze
My desk signs help keep minimal office conversations
If you afraid of people grabbing your phone in the middle of the night, use this, it’s loud af
Now who's the real Ryan
When you have to study for a test but you have leftover Googly eyes
Poor George...
Winter came in eastern europe
If you want to see a god
the worlds biggest problem solved
Need to summon phantoms otherwise you're f*cked
No ***s left
What goes around comes around ..
"Dude how high are you?" Me:
the meaning of christmas
It’s the least you can do!
Hello oblivion, my old friend.
I'd like to see that movie
Dammit, humans.
Baba Yaga
Type F to pay respects to ducks
A simple job...!
And the cycle continues!
so true and nobody knows why
See you later alligator, after 'while crocodile
Like the good ol' time
Seizure salad
This is my life now
Greg and Boris say heyadiddlydoo
Schrodinger's plates