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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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This Xmass ornament my aunt made looks like an angel taking a bong hit.
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“Apple down on Wall Street”
Lost a good friend
What in Kilometer?
When you try to get your first job
Every time
The struggle is real when you least expect it
GameStop Gon’ Learn Today
Nature is B E A U T I F U L
Nobody reads this
One of the best comics
6 Reasons Why....
down to earth
Elders play Grand Theft Auto 5
Dying of laughter
Can I copy your homwork?
Parallelogram Season is upon us!
I thought the secone picture WAS his wife
Use billboard wisely
It’s cold this morning so my coworker showed up in this.
Was looking through my old photos on my phone and found this :)
aww yes
Is this allowed in here?
We can all relate!
Susan is dead. There's only possum now.
High quality advertisement
She’s got a point there
Every damn night!
Bet she would have.
Seen around Fargo
*Violin Music Plays*
press f to pay respects
Pfffft essential oils
When You Stand Up
you ever get lost at sea for 10 years just to flex on walkin nibbas?
He must be glad that a trend from his youth is finally becoming popular again.
Disney vs. Anime
Interesting insult
Homemade Claymore
My sister got a text from a wrong number
My mom has one to
It’s been a whole day... I should be thin and fit by now, right?
Braver than the troops o7
"Where have you been?"
Saw this funny pic on Facebook
the ugly truth
Don't unplug your USBs
Because his name is Ash
guys, this is getting out of control
special bar full
Skull cow is just a figment of your imagination.
Ever drink Baileys from a shoe?
"My eyes are up here."
Signs are so rude nowadays
Chinese food. Yum.
I'm gonna need a pound or two...
I mean... i guess?
Such a handy reference.
How nice of my one year old...
That's Hot That's Hot
This holiday decor
He will be fine in there with the ac running
Collin’s gone.. he went next door..
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
A file for divorce
It’s not prostitution
How Italians use forks
How to perform the William Tell trick
John Cena looks like Wreck it Ralph
My New Years resolution.
A wonderful friendship
Horses then vs Now
Happy New YeAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Mmmm, just add a little hot sauce
The real fight of 2019
It do be like that lol
Me after Christmas.
I wish I could give the world to you wiki
Céline Dion & Lady Gaga Look Like The Newest Contestants On Ru Paul’s Drag Race
Nearly stepped on my damn cat
Lesson learned: Don't ask IT guys for help
4k gaming at its finest
I wouldn’t even bother interviewing this guy, he’s an immediate hire.
The time has come, and so have I
Radical birbs
Control the force
Thank you, Amazon, for protecting my item during shipping.
He started out strong but got sidetracked
Done eat the sleeve.
Update on Krispy Kreme truck fire.
In fact, it does not help
My friend’s cousin stayed home New Year’s night so he could spend it with his sister.
We g-got it Rick!
My co worker is a monster who writes like this
The rare Mexican Desert Turtle.
I see no flaw in this.