I draw doodles on sticky notes at work. One of my coworkers decided to add their own.

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“When I was your age .. “
Oh no not again!
Throwback to 2017
Compare and save.
When parents do this.
A short sci-fi story
I don't get it
pro tip: just don't clean your butt
Lvl 1 man to lvl 50 trap
No, not Tony!
Bye There
What is MY PURPOSE????
The devil has no place there
Great thread
An answer from a student on a recent science exam
We have us a winner.
The only man powerful enough to defeat Doug Dimmadome
The results are quite efficient
oddly specific but relatable
Some good web comic
I am the lord of fire
As a plumber, he should be used to making House calls.
Let the gsmes begin.
We need some milk
Mhhh excellent...
Well Fcuk me...what are the odds!!
It really do be like that sometimes.
I brushed my cats head and now it looks like it wants to build a wall
This is mafia...
Sky bison is best bison.
Odin was a bad father
You were the chosen one!
You HAVE to see it
If my friend was a Doctor...
The Flat Earth Anti-Vax Institute of Technology
Now this is a society I can live in
When I grow up, I want to be the guy that writes the subtitles for movies and shows.
Show me the lie
Space travel when?
Ivan the sharpshooter
well you're wrong
A fat one
Greedy Gandalf
Hol on now
The only truth is killing kids is easy
He won the battle but at what cost ....
oh ho!
the reality of Virtual Reality
He looks like
Paw patrol lol
Couldn’t be mad about this guy
Almost got me
Kinky *** likes to watch
Family photo gone wrong.
Thank you
Important gang signs to remember
Little butt crack.
Behind every statue, there is a story. Legends are immortalized.
A most heinous crime
Chattering animal
Cartman's confessions.
Am I crazy or is this accurate?
I can think of 216000 people who'd want to be on a Tarantino movie RN
thats a good angle tho
The difference between The Simpsons and South Park.
The truth is here!
Still Waiting !
I will post this every day til 2020
On a friends office door.
Gonna be hard
*Awkward smiling intensifies*
*Huff* "With these spiders after us, I don't see this getting any worse!"
Ouh, thats a good one
Man the new trailer for Into the Spider-Verse, looks really good
I wanna do this test
When you enter Maximum Borkdrive
Thats how it works
Me and your dad
My son got me a sympathy card for my 40th birthday ...
I'm not even supposed to be here today!
Pete's a bloody legend
for real, how did that happen?
Yeah that’s relatable
it was a mistake
Peterson Renegade Angel
lemme get uhhhhhhhh some more pixels
Think of it like awkward questions at a family gathering: entirely unavoidable
It was never the same after that summer.