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I forgot my password to my previous account :'(
Hardcore Commenter

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A simple spell, quite breackable
Because. Australia.
To the bone.
It has been 3 weeks. Good bye hopes and dream
My English teacher drew this for the class a few days before our graduation
typical carnivore humor
"I see you behind the bush"
I'm done with RyanAir.
Tough choice mate
they will never see you coming.
she's underage too...
Damn, really wish I could read this
Goin’ shoppin’
steel or feathers?
Train drops
This is what I woke up to
"Hey Guys! Let's take one more picture before we get fired."
He was a good sport about it
Tired of the kids losing one remote
When Windows XP is crashing and you drag the mouse around the screen
It is still more played than fortnite
What a sale!
Unlimited power
The neighbors made a snowman for the neighborhood to enjoy
Chungus the cat
That's what you call a bad day
My local liquor store gets me.
No f*cks were given that day
Straight facts
“Why are you millennials so cynical??”
My wife bought me Dr. Grant’s raptor claw from Jurassic Park
Looks like someone ran over a toddler
What did they do to him?
Cannot confirm. Must only work on fish.
This is kinda sad
Jack deserves this
With all the crap going down I would too
Look at what the admins have done to me boy
The way of the meem
Not sure what this creature is..
no judgement zone
Look at the bengal tiger... no, no, wait...
"Am I a joke to you Karen????"
...On second thought, *** the whales
I'm mind blown
I’ve no words at all.
Andrew Luck looking like Sir Robin from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
12 year old boys at recess in deep conversation about what they think boobs feel like.
brought to you by the Australian government
Met Afroman at work today
Found this gem at goodwill today
In 3 years of doing pizza delivery, this is by far the funniest delivery instruction line I've ever seen
An ordinary building with windows..
A show about a guy dating multiple women at once, watched by women who hate guys that date multiple women at once.
I have them almost every week
When your Wife runs shit in the house.
a true hero
Winter, when the leaves have fallen and the trees are bear
The youth of today
No showers please
Ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em
Thank you, nick.
Don't be sad
For a dollar a day you can help support Jeff Bezos
Don't do meth kids.
Expired Milk
Lightnning mcmeth
*Slams desk
Google street maps waving to Bing
He seems honest
Mark Zuckerberg on a roadtrip.
911, what's your emergency sir?
Invisible man falls to death
I need a RN!
This Grafitti somewhere in Vienna
it really do be like that sometimes
try not to think about it
I bet he feels it now
Expectation vs really
Does a lot.
replace girlfriend with discord tho
A silent guardian
That would've been quite the twist
Pico the 23 year old cat.
How you trick a monkey
Well that's one solution
Mom, answer. Mom?
Funny cause it’s true
Bug Bois
Friend faceswapped with a Wendys cup. Results better than expected.