I don't think that's a DS she is hiding, since it's so big... I think she might be a PC gamer

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I'm here since the beginning. I have seen all posts on Front since the birth of HL.
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Either their quality control sucks or they just like messing with drunk people
I've never felt so betrayed!
Why am I laughing at this?
That poor Banana.
And that is how you got your name, Bridget.
Congratulations Africa
Prestige Worldwide
Spongebob > Maroon 5
I'm not stupid.
He will make sure the punishment measures up to the crime.
Pretty much sums up the first half
Why though
Halftime wardrobe was on point
List of Super Bowl highlights!
Holy *** Ricky!
Always a savage
.... . .-.. .--.
Super Bowl halftime mood
It’s lovely out here
Super bowl be shady
They got us good
Reminds me of taking a bath
Thank you, Maroon 5.
Just like Maroon 5
Worst halftime show ever
I’ll say it again
Better luck next year LA
Elon Musk's mom looks like a villain from a movie.
One of these things is not like the others...
Bar situation would have been more entertaining.
This signed Tom Brady football is about 15 years old. After deflate gate I just couldn’t bring myself to pump it back up. Too perfect.
I'll catch you one day Tacos
Die hard is a Harry Potter movie...
How disgusting
Has anyone seen this mans case?
My thoughts on the Super Bowl
Sausage and Eggs
Let's remember one thing
X-Meow Origins
The littlest nope ever.
My Kind of Crayons!
Calvin got it right
Opening your front door to this. Taken after a N. Dakota snow storm
Who are you???
Making good use of your 30 seconds of fame.
This is like a painting from the Renaissance
It depends on whose side she is on, I suppose...
This touchdown is for you Jesus!
If he actually fires that gun, you can kiss that ass goodbye
Best thing I've Seen at a Convention So far
Ciao Mamma
Ultimate purpose to have 4 arms
You cannot defeat my stand, 「ZA WEEABO」
I made a chart on how to get to places according to songs
what are upvotes?
Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!
Rip in pepperoni
Nostalgic childhood version of Dwayne Johnson and The Rock
The new barc- bishop
By Yoda, this was made
Superheros are real
I got you
It all fits
After 69 years is served
Cawblo Escobar.
Meme sites lately
A brief history of physics
I love my mom ❤️
Every man has his limit
It aint stupid if it works.
I know who's getting spoiled this Valentine.
Waitrose got us again
Oh bother...
Being gay was a sin they said
Happiness is a state of mind
True stuff
Typical household budget cut.
A man grateful to Fortnight
It was so tempting....
Internet finds
This picture someone's kid drew of their family "snorkelling"
Bored in class
A message to my enemies
Time for toast eh?
Right in the feels with this one
;-; so proud
Today only guys
Here's to you, friends
I was the same too.
White af
Truly a man before his time