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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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That’s not Sweet Victory...
And the Japanese are to blame
Thanks, God.
Yoga instructor had a google degree tho
God is nuts haha
Truth in phone alarm labels
My lawn is looking TASTY
so clean
I did this whole thing (concept-completion) in about 2 and a half minutes. I'm sorry.
They really did Magikarp like that.
That's not mine, i stole it.
Waking up is the 2nd hardest thing
this is way better than super bowl
We stand UNITED
School days
shagy mem
Superbowl never mattered anyways
The nerve....
Raising kids summed up in a pic
The real thing.
O no no!
Isn’t that the truth
Combustable football fans
Every time it's the same! Still trying to figure out my colleagues..
This the true haha
thanks mom
The new member of the pupacy
This says it all
What Genesis didn't tell us
Only the best...
Flip the phone or your monitor or yourself
The BEST time for a dad joke!
Nicholas Cage as Ross from Friends
A day late, but here’s a funny from my local cartoonist
Are you making cheep jokes Denis?
After brain surgery my boyfriend couldn't think of the right names for things
I love me some TLC
Sign it please
NOLA News Paper
They were right all along
"You can do it"
In honor of black history month, our favorite African American
"Oh hey look, a spongebob mem-"
Going deep
he passed out
For Sale: Totally Normal Van NOT Used In Giraffe Kidnapping Scheme
In case anyone missed the Adam Levine halftime show
She didn't have a problem with it until we were 2 hours away from home, then suddenly it was a huge problem.
Half time show
In their defense there appears to be no snow
give it back jeff, its not yours
Frick Tom Brady
I'm so sorry
I just love thinking about the fact that someone had to draw each of these frames
well, what?
Dream man
This sums it up so well it could even be considered a spoiler, so I'm sorry
Everyone’s Reaction to the Super Bowl Halftime Show
Saw this on Facebook. A true artist
A german soccer team tweeted this............
Because... Purple?
I can see throught
That time I got reincarnated as an office keyboard owned by a sexy big boobed office worker
Best TikTok video
A new outlook on life
We need to do something about this
It’s time
The simplest answers
I don't think that's a DS she is hiding, since it's so big... I think she might be a PC gamer
Either their quality control sucks or they just like messing with drunk people
I've never felt so betrayed!
Why am I laughing at this?
That poor Banana.
And that is how you got your name, Bridget.
Congratulations Africa
Prestige Worldwide
Spongebob > Maroon 5
I'm not stupid.
He will make sure the punishment measures up to the crime.
Pretty much sums up the first half
Why though
Halftime wardrobe was on point
List of Super Bowl highlights!
Holy *** Ricky!
Always a savage
.... . .-.. .--.
Super Bowl halftime mood
It’s lovely out here
Super bowl be shady
They got us good
Reminds me of taking a bath
Thank you, Maroon 5.